
    青青:胡子,刚才小李说的话你听得懂吗? 胡子:我一个字也听不懂。她说得叽里咕噜的,是普通话吗?。 青青:不是普通话,是方言,上海话吧。 胡子:听说小李能说好几种方言,除了上海话,她还会说广东话、闽南语。 青青:对,她就是一个语言天才! 青青:Hu zi, Can you understand what Xiao Li said just now?
胡子:I can't catch a single word. She was just jabbering. Did she speak Mandarin?
青青:No, dialect. I think it's Shanghainese.
胡子:It's said she can speak lots of dialects. Besides Shanghainese, She can aslo speak Cantonese and Southern Fujian Dialect.
青青:Yes, She is definitely a language talent.