There was a famous scholar named Guo Xiang (252 AD -312 AD) in Jin Dynasty. When he was young, he was already a very talented scholar.
He was knowledgeable and had his unique opinions on many things. He was very eloquent and could talk about everything in a clear and logical way. Every time when he gave a speech, people around him all listened with great interest. There was an official named Wang Yan. He appreciated Guo Xiang's eloquence very much. He often praised Guo Xiang in front of other people, "When Guo Xiang gives a talk, his speech is like a waterfall. It flows out and never dries up."
渊博:(yuānbó) adj. profound
见解:(jiànjiě) n. opinion
头头是道:(tóutóushìdào) clear and logical
津津有味:(jīnjīnyǒuwèi) with great interest
称赞:(chēngzàn) v. praise
枯竭:(kūjié) v. dry up
口若悬河:"悬河",指瀑布。"口若悬河"指讲起话来像瀑布一样滔滔不绝。形容能言善辩,也比喻十分健谈。 "悬河"(a river upside down) refers to a waterfall. "口若悬河" refers to "one's speech is like a waterfall." It usually used to describe someone eloquent or talkative.
1、 导游小姐对每个景点都十分熟悉,常常口若悬河地为我们介绍当地的历史和传说。
The tourist guide is very familiar with every place of interests. She talks about the local history and tradition of each place like 口若悬河.
2、 在昨天的辩论赛上,双方主辩口若悬河,你来我往,十分精彩。
The first speakers from the affirmative side and negative side were all very 口若悬河 on the debate yesterday. They gave us an excellent debate show.