
八字还没一撇呢。Bā zì hái méi yì pié ne. There is no sign of anything happening yet.

Bā zì hái méi yì pié ne.
There is no sign of anything happening yet.


The sentence "八字还没一撇呢" originally used to describe marriage. In ancient china, a man and a woman whose date of birth and eight characters of a horoscope were matched could get married. The first stroke of character "八" is a"丿"(pié) . It is a metaphor of no sign of anything happening yet.


Jiǎ: Wǒ shēngzhí de shì, bā zì hái méi yì pié ne. Nǐ xiān bié gàosù biérén!
A: For my promotion, it's not confirmed. Don't tell others before the appointment.

Yǐ: Wǒ míngbái, fàngxīn ba.
B: I see. Don't worry.

Jiǎ: Nǐ shàngcì shuō de nàge xiàngmù zuò de zěnmeyang le?
A: What about the project you mentioned last time?

Yǐ: Bā zì hái méi yì pié ne, zījīn hái chà hěnduō.
B: Nothing completed yet. We can not carry it out because of the lack of money.