释义 "回头客"指再次光顾的客人。一般可用来衡量某个商店(或饭馆、旅馆等)物品质量是否优良、价格是否适中、服务是否完善等。 "
回头客(huítóukè)" means the customers coming again. It' a word used to value the qulity, price and service of a store (or a restaurant, a hotel etc...).
例句 1、Yŏu yì diăn kěyǐ kěndìng, rúguŏ fàndiàn huítóukè duō,jiù yídìng cuò bù liăo.
One thing is for sure—if a restaurant has a lot of returned customers, then it must be a good one.
2、Wŏmen xuéxiào fùjìn de chāoshì mài de dōngxi wùměijiàlián, hěn kuài jiù yŏu le bùshăo huítóukè. 我们学校附近的超市卖的东西物美价廉,很快就有了不少回头客。
The commodities sold by the supermarket near our school are cheap and fine, so soon it has attracted many returned customers.