水军shuǐjūnarmy of online marketers用法说明: "水军"的原意是军队的一种——在水上作战的部队,现在有了新的意思,"水",这里指像发大水一样,表示量很大,"水军"用来指网络上受雇于网络公关公司、以大量发帖回帖为主要手段、为雇主进行网络宣传的一群人。
The word "水军"
originally meant navy, but it now has a new meaning. Because "水" (water) can
signify a large volume, the word "水军" often refers to employees of internet public relations firms, who post and reply to information in large amounts as to gain publicity.
例句:1. 这个导演雇佣了大量水军宣传他的电影。Zhè ge dǎoyǎn gùyōng le dàliàng shuǐjūn xuānchuán tā de diànyǐng.The director hired an army of online marketers to promote his movie.2. 一些公司雇佣水军在网上发帖来打击竞争对手。Yìxiē gōngsī gùyōng shuǐjūn zài wǎngshàng fā tiělái dǎjī jìngzhēng duìshǒu.Some companies hire armies of online marketers to fight competitors by posting online.