


A: 欢迎大家来到美语训练班!我是王怡茹。

B: Hi, everyone! I'm Donny.

A: 今天这节课,我们要讨论公司上市的问题, 听听朋友为什么会和男友分手,装扮成棒球队的吉祥物, 还要告诉大家怎么用美语说"来电"和"没戏"。

B: .....Hmm? You've finished the preview, 怡茹?

A: Donny, pay attention! 我们可是在录节目呢!你怎么老低头摆弄手机?!

B: Sorry sorry! 老有人在facebook和微博上加我为好友,I have to deal with these requests all day long! I'm turning off my phone RIGHT NOW!

A: 这才对嘛!总不能加好友加到节目上来呀!不过,说起这个在社交网络上加好友,咱们正好有个词要教给大家!

B: Let's listen!

Learn A Word befriend

今天我们要学的词是befriend, befriend is spelled b-e-f-r-i-e-n-d, befriend. Befriend是如今社交网络用语,意思是"加为好友"。Former Congressman Anthony Weiner resigned after he was caught sending lewd photos of himself to women he befriended on Twitter. 前联邦众议员安东尼.维纳因为向在推特上加为好友的女性发裸照被发现而宣布辞职。警方不久前破获了一起强奸案。嫌疑人的做法是,The suspect would befriend high school girls on Facebook and then ask them to baby-sit his daughter. 嫌疑人在脸谱网上将高中女孩加为好友,然后请她们照看自己的女儿。因此,为安全起见,Don't befriend anyone you don't personally know on Facebook. 不要在脸谱网上将不认识的人加为好友。好的,今天我们学习的词是 befriend, befriend, befriend.

A: Donny, 听见没有,不能乱加不认识的人。

B: Of course. I never befriend complete strangers on Facebook or Weibo.

A: 那你每天收到的好友请求还多到处理不过来?

B: 对啊!You know, I'm a very social person, and ever since I started hosting this show, my fan base has been expanding rapidly. 我的粉丝都要 befriend me, I don't have the heart to turn them down.

A: 好啦好啦!Mr. Popular

B: I'm telling the truth, Yiru. I have five thousand friends on facebook alone!

A: 5000个好友?不可能! No way! 没戏!

B: 信不信由你!对了,你刚才说"没戏",那咱们就来学学怎么用美语说"没戏",一起听"Popular American."

Popular American Take one for the team/fat chance

现在播送「流行美语」。李华在春假开始前考完了期中考,Larry 去学校接她。他们会用到两个常用语:take one for the team 和 fat chance.

Larry: Lihua, how did your tests go?

LH: 考得不错!现在我已经等不及开始春假啦!

Larry: Well, that's great to hear, because I have some awesome plans for us this week!

LH: 太好了! 你有什么好主意?

Larry: We're going camping with my high school buddies!

LH: 啊?和你的高中同学出去露营?

Larry: That's right!

LH: 我可不想去。

Larry: What?? Why not?

LH: 你们那些男生在一起就会喝啤酒聊棒球,我也插不上嘴,没意思。

Larry: What's so wrong with that? Besides, Mike and Jason are both bringing their girlfriends─I can't go without you. Can't you just take one for the team?

LH: The team? 什么团队?你在说什么?

Larry: To take one for the team means to make a sacrifice for the good of your group or team.

LH: 哦,to take one for the team 就是为了团队的利益牺牲自己的利益。你的高中同学都带女朋友去,如果我能跟你去露营,虽然自己可能觉得没趣儿,但是你会高兴,对不对?

Larry: Yes. Here's another example. If you're working on a group project with your classmates, and you agree to do a really tedious part of the project that no one else wants to do, you'd be taking one for the team.

LH: 哦,在团队作业中,如果我自愿完成最无聊的、别人都不愿意做的那个部分,我就是take one for the team---为了整个团队能完成作业,自己吃亏喽!

Larry: That's right! So are you going to take one for the team by going on the camping trip with me?

LH: 可是Larry, 我不懂棒球,也不喝酒,去了我会闷死的。。。

Larry: Come on, Lihua...Can't you just take one for the team this once? I'm sure you will have a good time talking to my friends' girlfriends.

LH: Larry, 我还是不去了。

Larry: Fine, Lihua. You're a horrible teammate.

LH: Larry, 你别生气。其实春假我已经有安排了,我要为中国学生会的端午节龙舟赛作准备工作啊。

Larry: The Dragonboat Festival? Isn't that months away?

LH: 没错,是还有好几个月呢,但是我现在就得开始找场地了啊! 对了,我想起来了,你春假也不能闲着,得开车带我四处去联络比赛场地!

Larry: Pfff! Fat Chance!

LH: Fat? Chance?? 你是什么意思?

Larry: No! Fat chance means no chance. Why should I help you out when you won't go camping with me?

LH: 啊?Fat Chance就是没可能?你不帮忙啊! 真差劲!

Larry: Hmm. It seems we both need each other to do something for the other. Are you sure you won't take one for the team and come camping with me and my friends?

LH: Fat Chance! 我坚决不去跟你露营! Larry, 你不是已经答应中国学生会的同学,说好要帮忙的么?怎么能不算话?

Larry: Well, I─

LH: Why don't you take one for the team? 你怎么不牺牲一下?

Larry: Oh, alright. I guess I should stay and help since I already promised. But, will you at least come camping with us sometime this summer?

LH: Fat chance!

Larry: What about next year?

LH: Fat chance!

Larry:...Will you ever stop saying "fat chance"?

LH: Fat chance!

Larry: ─OK, Lihua. I get the idea! Man, I should have never taught you this phrase.

LH: 哈哈哈! Larry, 你气得胡子都翘起来了! 我跟你开玩笑的! 一直以来,你总是耐心地教我英文,我很感激呢! Thanks for taking one for the team and being patient with me!

Larry: Yea yea, whatever. Just remember─you owe me one. There's going to come a day when I will need you to do something you might not want to do to help me out, and I'll expect you to take one for the team, OK?

LH: Fat chance!

各位听众,今天李华学了两个常用语,一个是take one for the team,意思是"为了别人牺牲自己的利益";另一个是fat chance,意思是"不可能"。好的,这次《流行美语》播送完了,谢谢各位收听,下次节目再见。

B: So, Yiru, do you think you can take one for the team?

A: 啊?什么事啊?

B: Remember? The programdirector said one of us needed to attend a meeting in Paris this summer. You know, the meeting about producing the best language teaching show?

A: 你是说那个在巴黎召开的节目研讨会?你是不是特别不想去,所以想拜托我亲自跑这一趟?No problem! I can take one for the team for sure!

B: Fat chance! 你想得美!What I meant to ask you is, when I am away for the meeting, can you take care of my cat?

A: 啊?你去巴黎,让我帮你看猫?Fat chance, Donny!

B: 真不够意思。

A: 好啦,咱们还是继续听节目吧。 今天我们要看看"来电"用"美语怎么说"。

How to say it: Sparks


JESSICA: Lulu, I heard you went on a couple blind dates. How did they go?

Lulu: 没错! 我是去见了几个。给你看照片,在我手机里呢。

JESSICA: Wow, 这个真帅! 长得像王立宏! Did you guys hit it off? 你们谈得来么?

Lulu: 这个长得是不错,可是,我跟他就是不来电! We don't have electricity!

JESSICA: Haha, Lulu,You should use the word "chemistry". There's no chemistry between you two.


Lulu: Chemistry? 化学? 也对,不都说爱情是一种化学反应嘛! 说俩人"没感觉,不来电",就是There's no chemistry!

JESSICA: That's right. Now let's look at the next guy. Hmm, this one... How old is he? I bet he's over 40!

Lulu: 哈哈,这个是挺老的,可是我觉得我们俩挺来电的。We have chemistry!

JESSICA: Really? You saw sparks flying around?

Lulu: Spark? 我知道,s-p-a-r-k, spark,是火花,你说 "sparks flying around",就是"火花乱飞,瞬间来电",是不是?

JESSICA: Yes. For example, the first time my boyfriend and I kissed, I saw sparks!

Lulu: 这么说,There are definitely sparks between us!

JESSICA: That's great! So you are seeing this, er, mature guy, aren't you?

Lulu: Am I seeing him? 我看他?

JESSICA: Actually, to see someone means to date someone.

Lulu: 哦, to see someone就是和某人交往。我正在和他交往,就是I'm seeing him.

JESSICA: Correct. 不过,I think this guy is a bit too old for you.

Lulu: 我就喜欢成熟的! 年龄不是问题!

JESSICA: Well, if you say so. Now I see why people say "love is blind."

Lulu: Love is blind? 爱情是盲目的?

JESSICA: 对啊! Anyway, I wish you good luck! Let's see what you've learned today!

Lulu: 第一,来电可以用chemistry 或者sparks

第二,和某人交往是to see someone

第三, 爱情是盲目的,说Love is blind.


