
At a recent awards party, 'Silver Linings Playbook' producer and master Oscar campaigner Harvey Weinstein crossed paths with his 'Lincoln' counterpart Kathleen Kennedy, the new chief of Disney's Lucasfilm studio.

最近的一个颁奖晚会上,《乌云背后的幸福线》(Silver Linings Playbook)的制片人、奥斯卡奖宣传战的大师温斯坦(Harvey Weinstein)遇见了《林肯》(Lincoln)的制片人、迪士尼(Disney)旗下卢卡斯影业(Lucasfilm)的新任总裁肯尼迪(Kathleen Kennedy)。

'I'll lay off 'Lincoln' if you give me a role in 'Star Wars,' ' he told her.

温斯坦对肯尼迪说,如果你让我在《星球大战》(Star Wars)中扮演个角色,我会放过《林肯》。

Mr. Weinstein was making light of an Oscar race that this year has been as ferocious as they come. The nine best-picture nominees comprise movies popular with critics, by and large commercially successful, and in some cases steeped in controversy. The favorite has shifted several times (currently it's 'Argo').


The big contenders
