
In our era of instant gratification,the world of medicine seems like an outlier. The path from a promising discovery to an effectivetreatment often takes a decade or more.


But from that process -- of fits and starts, progress and setbacks and finally more progress -- grow the insights and advances that change the course of medicine.


A decade ago, the completion of the Human Genome Project sparked optimism that cures for debilitating diseases were just around the corner. Cures still generally elude us, but now the ability to map human DNA cheaply and quickly is yielding a torrent of data about the genetic drivers of disease -- and a steady stream of patients who are benefiting from the knowledge. On other fronts, technology is putting more power in the hands of patients, and researchers are learning to combat disorders by harnessing the body's own ability to heal and grow.

11年前,人类基因组计划(Human Genome Project)的完成让人们看到曙光,彷佛衰竭性疾病(debilitating disease)的治愈良方马上就能出现。如今,灵丹妙药依然难求,但我们能以更快的速度和更低的成本来绘制人类基因图谱,这种能力带来了关于基因在疾病产生中扮演何种角色的海量数据,而这些新知识正在持续地让一部分病人受益。在其他一些方面,科技进步赋予了病人更多的能力,研究人员正在学习如何调动人体自身的治疗和生长能力来抵抗各种疾病的侵扰。

Advances bring other challenges, including how to pay for them. Meanwhile, the complexbiology that stymies gains for some patients sets goals for new advances.


Here are six of today's potentially transformative trends.


Growing a Heart
