
From crockpots to thermostats, it seems like everything now has a touch screen instead of physical buttons. This week, Nintendo joined the club with a new videogame console, the Wii U, which uses a 6.2-inch touch-screen controller.

电炖锅到恒温器,现在似乎所有的东西上的物理按键都被触摸屏取而代之了。近期,任天堂(Nintendo)也加入了这个俱乐部,它新推出的视频游戏机Wii U采用了一款6.2英寸的触摸屏控制器。

This remote control, called the GamePad, upgrades the overall gaming experience with features commonly found on smartphones like touch gestures, a gyroscope, an accelerometer, a stylus for handwriting and a front-facing camera. Instead of using antiquated directional buttons to navigate the system, a tap on the screen can send a character into a game. A touch-screen keyboard simplifies writing messages and setting up accounts.


Activity on the GamePad's screen is reflected on the TV, which means that more people can watch what players are doing in a game. Or you can play only on the GamePad, which frees up the big screen for people who want to watch TV, though the controller can't be used on its own far away from the console.


Yet despite the Wii U's refreshing features, its sluggishbehavior makes it a product I can't fully recommend. And some promised programs couldn't be tested because they don't function yet