

当标的资产的市价高于看涨期权(call)的行使价或低于看跌期权(put)的行使价时,期权即处于价内状态,亦称实值状态. 标的资产是指行使期权时可以买进或卖出的资产. 处于价内状态的期权具有内在价值(intrinsic value),有行使的价值.

In the Money的英文解释

An option is described as being in the money when the current price of the underlyinginstrument is above the strike or exercise price for a call, and below the strike price for a put. For example, The shares of Company A are trading at £2.20 each. A trader decides to write an option on the shares, giving the buyer the right to buy the shares of Company A at £2.40 each. That is a call option, because the buyer has the right to "call" or buy the shares at £2.40 each. The exercise, or "strike" price, for the option is £2.40. If the price of the underlying shares rises to £2.50 then the option is "in the money" and the holder will exercise the option because the strike price is below the market price of the shares. Options can also be described as being deep in the money when they are likely to expire in the money.

文章标签:翻译  词汇  词典  期货期权词汇