

英文Exchange Rate Mechanism的缩写,1979年创立,旨在限制欧盟成员国货币的汇率波动。 ERM为成员国货币的汇率设定固定的中心汇率,允许汇率在中心汇率上下一定的幅度内波动。 据规定,欧盟新成员国在加入欧元区之前,应将其货币纳入允许汇率在中心汇率上下15%的区间内波动的ERM-2体系,为时两年。


A system first created in 1979 to limit movements in the currencies of member countries of the European Union. A grid allows currencies to fluctuate within bands either side of their fixed central rates. New countries are supposed to enter their currencies in ERM-2, with its wide 15 percent bands, for two years before joining the eurozone.

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