

一种股票骗局,串谋者事先买进特定股票,然后大力吹捧这些股票,通常是在互联网上发布虚假的乐观讯息,藉此推高股价,然后在高位出脱持股赚取暴利。串谋者出货后,股价会急跌。这种骗局通常发生在小盘股上,因为这种股票较易操纵。英文亦称为"hype and dump"。

Pump and Dump的英文解释

A type of fraud that involves publishing falsely optimistic announcements about a company, often on the internet, which push up the share price. The fraudsters then dump their shares at a large profit before the price subsequently drops sharply. Also known as hype and dump manipulation.

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