
德国DAX 30种股价指数的中文解释

德国最受重视的股价指数,但该指数仅由30种蓝筹股组成,被认为范围过窄而不适合作为股市整体表现的指标。DAX 30与美国标准普尔500、法国CAC-40股指及英国《金融时报》100种股价指数一样是以市值加权的股价平均指数,而不是简单平均的股价平均指数。但与其他指数不同的是,DAX 30指数试图反映德国股市的总收益情况,而其他指数则只反映市场价格的变化。DAX 30指数考虑到股息收入,名义上将所有股息收入(按成分股的比重)再投资在股票上。如此,即便德国股票价格没有变动,DAX 30指数仍可能因股息收入而上涨。DAX 30指数的期货和期权合约在欧洲期货期权交易所(EUREX)挂牌买卖。 网址:www.exchange.de

DAX 30的英文解释

This is the most widely followed German stock index although it only consists of 30 blue chip equities and is considered too narrowly based for performancemeasurement purposes. Like the S&P 500, the CAC-40 and the FTSE 100, this index is a market capitalization-weighted average index, rather than a simple average. Unlike these other indices, which only measure change in market prices, the DAX attempts to measure the total return on German equities. In particular, the DAX includes dividendincome and notionally reinvests any dividendincome in additional equities in the same proportion as the index. Even if there is no net change in German equity prices it is possible for the DAX to rise because of the added value of an inflow of dividend income. Futures and options contracts on the DAX 30 are listed on EUREX.

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