

指将公司已发行的股份数量缩小至少量股份,而股东所持股份的比例不变,亦不会对股东造成损失。这不如股票分割常见,通常只在股价较低时出现。这一行动会抬高股票的名义价格,但不会影响股票的价值,因为每一缩小数量的股份却代表对公司更多的所有权,也称"逆股票分割"(negative stock split)。

Reverse Stock Split的英文解释

A reduction of the number of outstanding shares in a company into a smaller number of stocks without cost to the shareholders who retain their proportionate holdings. This is not as common as a stock split and is usually only seen when the stock price is low. The move boosts the nominal price of each share, although it does not affect their value because each of the reduced number of shares now represents a larger share of ownership of the company. Also known as a negative stock split.

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