

投资银行是美式用语,指主要从事证券承销的金融机构,以协助企业透过发行股票及债券融资为主业. 投资银行一般也经营证券经纪及投资顾问业务,同时亦可能参与企业并购以至私募基金等相关交易. 投资银行与一般的商业银行不同,不接受大众存款,亦不从事一般的贷款业务. 在欧洲,投资银行称为merchant bank(商人银行).

Investment Bank的英文解释

A US term used to describe banks that specialize in financial market activities, raising funds for companies through the issue of bonds and equities, rather than concentrating on lending and the mechanics of money transmission. In Europe they are also known as merchant banks.

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