
The world was waiting and the BBC has just reported it: the exchange of gifts between Queen Elizabeth and Barack Obama during the president's visit to Buckingham Palace ahead of Thursday's G-20 meeting. The choice of gifts was being closely watched ever since the British press took high exception to the modest presents the Obamas gave Gordon Brown and wife on their visit to the White House last month: a box set of DVDs, allegedly in the wrong format, and a couple of models of Marine One for the Brown boys.

The president gave the Queen an iPod with footage of her 2007 state visit to the U.S. already downloaded, possibly in thoughtfulanticipation of royal difficulties accessing iTunes. Meanwhile, the Obamas got the customary silver framed photograph of, er, the Queen and her husband.

A new world-old world; new media-old media sort of thing.

这个场面为全世界翘首以待,英国广播公司(British Broadcasting Corporation,简称BBC)予以了报导:美国总统奥巴马在周四的20国集团峰会开始之前造访白金汉宫时,与伊丽莎白女王交换礼物。上个月英国首相布朗(Gordon Brown)夫妇做客白宫,奥巴马夫妇准备的礼物之简薄让英国媒体大跌眼镜:一盒DVD,据说格式还是错的,还有送给布朗的几位公子的"陆战队一号"(Marine One)模型。从那时起,奥巴马会为女王选择什么礼物就成了媒体密切关注的问题。


  • anticipation [æn,tisi´peiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.预期;预料;期望 四级词汇