Jim Butcher's decision to join Sweden's army of 'latte dads' last year didn't win him any
popularity contests with family and friends back home in the U.K.
英国人吉姆·布彻(Jim Butcher)去年决定加入瑞典"拿铁爸爸们"的行列,不过这个决定并没有得到他在英国的亲朋好友们的赞许。
'When I told my friends in England, they spat up their tea,' said the 35-year-old head of communications for digital-music company Spotify Ltd., which is based in Stockholm.
布彻现年35岁,在总部位于斯德哥尔摩的数字音乐公司Spotify Ltd.负责公共关系,他说,"当我这事儿告诉我英国的那些朋友时,他们把口里的茶都喷了出来。"
'They thought my out-of-office reply