
Dissident Yahoo Inc. shareholder Third Point LLC demanded that the company release records related to the hiring of Chief Executive Scott Thompson, adding to pressures on the company since his academic record was revealed last week as misstated.

雅虎公司(Yahoo Inc.)维权股东Third Point LLC要求雅虎公布与聘用首席执行长(CEO)汤普森(Scott Thompson)有关的纪录。自汤普森上周曝出学历造假的消息以来,此举进一步加大了雅虎的压力。

Meanwhile, Yahoo's board is still reviewing the circumstances that led to a regulatory filing in late April that included the erroneous information.


The incident comes as the company tries to turn itself around under Mr. Thompson, who was hired in January.


Yahoo's filing in late April included a short bio of Mr. Thompson and said he had obtained a bachelor's degree in computer science and accounting. Yahoo, and Mr. Thompson's alma mater, Stonehill College, last week confirmed disclosures by Third Point that he only earned an accounting degree.

雅虎在4月下旬提交的备案文件包括汤普森的简历。其简历显示,汤普森曾获计算机科学和会计学学士学位。雅虎公司和汤普森的母校斯通希尔学院(Stonehill College)上周证实Third Point披露的情况,即汤普森只获得会计学位。

For years the error in Mr. Thompson's academic record had been included on the websites of other companies that Mr. Thompson was affiliated with, including his former employer eBay Inc.'s PayPal unit, where he was president until taking the Yahoo job. Yet prior regulatory filings by eBay and companies whose boards included Mr. Thompson correctly listed only his accounting degree.

多年来,汤普森学历中的这一错误信息曾出现在其供职过的其它公司的网站上,其中包括其前雇主eBay Inc.旗下的在线支付平台贝宝(PayPal)。在到雅虎任职之前,汤普森是贝宝的总裁。但eBay以及那些汤普森曾担任董事会成员的公司此前在报送备案文件时并没有出现这样的错误,那些文件只列出其会计学位。

On Sunday, Yahoo's board held a conference call to set in motion the process it would take to obtain more facts, including whether anyone at Yahoo had knowledge of the public discrepancies regarding Mr. Thompson's academic record and what they did with such information, said people familiar with the matter. The board is hiring an outside law firm to help oversee the matter, one of these people said.


Yahoo's board also has formed a three-person special committee to investigate the flawed academic credentials, said another person familiar with the matter, and the trio are all newcomers to the board.


The board is struggling with the question of how Mr. Thompson didn't notice the mistaken information in his publicly-available biography for so long, said the people familiar with the matter.


Mr. Thompson so far has been silent about the matter, though inside the company he has told some colleagues that he didn't notice the existence of the erroneous information about him until last week, when Third Point first pointed it out, according to people familiar with the matter.

据知情人士透露,汤普森至今一直对此事保持沉默,但在公司内部他告诉部分同事说,直到上周Third Point首先指出这一错误时他才注意到简历中的这一问题。

Director Patti Hart, chief executive of casino game-maker International Game Technology Inc., who initiated Yahoo's search for a CEO last year and recommended Mr. Thompson, and outgoing Yahoo Chairman Roy Bostock will both be under scrutiny for their roles in the hiring, according to people with knowledge of the board's review. Mr. Bostock 'has ultimate responsibility' for the new CEO's selection, one such person said.

据了解董事会审核意见的人士透露,董事哈特(Patti Hart)和即将离任的雅虎董事长博斯托克(Roy Bostock)都将就各自在聘用汤普森一事中扮演的角色受到审查。其中一位知情人士说,博斯托克在确定新CEO人选一事上负有"最终责任"。哈特是赌场游戏机制造商International Game Technology Inc.的CEO,去年在雅虎寻找新CEO一事上,他是主要倡议者,正是他推荐了汤普森。

Some board members didn't know that [Mr. Thompson] was being interviewed for CEO and learned his identity hours before they voted to hire him, said a person briefed on the matter.


The search committee kept its CEO hunt secret from other directors because it didn't want the news to leak, said people familiar with the matter.


Third Point, which owns around 6% of Yahoo shares and is waging a proxy battle to obtain board seats, sent a letter to the company on Monday that cites Delaware corporate law and asks Yahoo to make books and records related to Mr. Thompson's hiring available for inspection and copying.

Third Point周一向雅虎公司寄送了一封信件,信中援引了特拉华州公司法的有关规定,并要求雅虎公司提供与聘用汤普森有关的文书以供检查核对。Third Point在雅虎的持股比例约为6%,目前正发起委托书争夺战以争取董事会席位。

Yahoo spokespeople didn't respond to a request for comment. The company last week said the regulatory filing was the result of an 'inadvertent error' but declined to elaborate further.


Amir Efrati / Joann S. Lublin