











1、因果关系:as a result ,therefore,hence,consequently,because, for, due to, hence, consequently等等。

2、并列、递进关系:and, or, then,in addition,besides,in other words,moreover等等

3、转折关系:however,but, yet, in fact等等。




And consumers would wait up to a decade to gain any benefits, because drilling could begin only after much bargaining over leases, environmental permits and regulatory review.

我们发现了一个非常明显的逻辑提示词because,它之后牵引出的是具体原因的分析,所以,从获取文章main idea的角度来看,完全可以把其后的信息全部删除。


例如,He has argued that tapping ANWR's oil would help ease California's electricitycrisis and provide a major boost to the country's energy independence. But no one knows for sure how much crude oil lies buried beneath the frozen earth, with the last government survey, conducted in 1998, projecting output anywhere from 3 billion to 16 billion barrels.


It did not test the claims, but compared them to labeling guidelines set by the International Standards Organization (ISO) in September, 1999.







第一部分 长难句的理解


1. 从句较长:一个主句带多个从句,从句中又有从句。


2. 插入成分较长:插入语的出现有明显标志:用双破折号与主句隔开或者用双逗号与主句隔开。


例如: Today, stepladders carry labels several inches long that warn, among other things, that you might - surprise! - fall off.

这个句子的阅读顺序应该是:第一层stepladders carry labels several inches long that,第二层是that warn that you might fall off,最后再看两个插入的部分among other things和surprise!

3. 分词状语、独立主格结构的干扰:分词状语就是指用doing或done引导的伴随状语、原因状语等;独立主格结构有时由with引导,看似主谓结构,但实际上并没有真正的谓语部分。




1 The producers of packaged products argue strongly against changing sizes of packages to contain even weights and volumes, but no one in the trade comments unfavorably on the huge costs incurred by endless changes of package sizes, materials, shape, art work, and net weights that are used for improving a product's market position.

2 A study of drugstore(杂货店)and supermarket shelves will convince any observer that all possible size and shapes of boxes, jars, bottles, and tins are in use at the same time and, as the package journals show, week by week, there is never any hesitation in introducing a new size and shape of box or bottle when it aids in product differentiation.

3 Dying patients especially ---who are easiest to mislead and most often kept in the dark---can then not make decisions about the end of life: about whether or not they should enter a hospital, or have surgery; about where and with whom they should sped their remaining time; about how they should bring their affairs to a close and leave.

4 I think that after I spent my time under water, the most important thing that I came back with was the realization that it is now possible for men to live permanently where once they could not even venture for a second, and this is of tremendous importance because if you realize what it means that advancing technology now has peeled off a layer of ocean water 200meters thick and it opens up vast new lands and resources and knowledge which is only 200meters away and which has been there waiting for us for centuries.

5 The manufacturer who increases the unit price of his product by changing his package size to lower the quantity delivered can, without undue hardship, put his product into boxes, bags, and tins that will contain even 4-ounce, 8-ounce, one-pound, two-pound quantities of breakfast foods, cake mixes, etc.

第二部分 内在逻辑关系理解



1 前后意思一致:in other words, that is to say, namely, this means..., likewise

2 并列平行:and, or, also, too, besides, another

3 递进:in addition to, adding to, moreover, furthermore

4 强对比:unlike, differ from, on the other hand, on the contrary, conversely

5 强转折:but, yet, however, in fact, practically, virtually, indeed

6 让步:(al)though, despite, in spite of, while

7 因果:because, why, reason, and, due to, owing to, thus, by, since, consequence

8 重要性:the most, chiefly, prime, have much to do with, I submit,

9 指代关系:it, this, that, those, these, one, so


1 句号:分割句子

2 逗号:补充说明成分(非限定性定语从句,同位语从句,独立主格结构)

3 冒号:从抽象到具体的关系

4 分号:并列平行关系(结构,语义)

5 破折号:解释说明

6 引号:引用;反语;强调

7 括号:补充说明成分(解释超纲单词)



中文写作习惯:写故事(writing stories)

英语写作习惯:从后面/结论写起(writing back words)

文章结构:中心议题--塔尖 A

若干个分论点--塔身 A A A

各分论点的具体论证--塔尖 AAA AAA AAA




I hate you.

Reason 1 Reason 2 Reason 3

你讲我的坏话 生日送我破卡片 抢我女朋友

例证 强对比 因果

张三说: 张三送宝马 因为"朋友妻,不可欺"

李四说: 李四送郊区别墅 所以禽兽不如

第三部分 常考题型解题方法概述

* 细节事实题:

1 标志:fact, truth, 中心词,因果关系的小词

2 根据题干中的中心词返回原文定位

3 经常考察的是对原文中一些细节性,具体信息的理解,因此一定要精确理解原文

4 正确选项应与原文同义表达

5 诱惑手段:单词替换,因果颠倒,扩大范围,无中生有,以偏概全,张冠李戴

* 推理题

1 标志:infer, imply, suggest

2 应该每个选项都返回原文,找出出处



3 与原文意思最接近,推理步骤最少的为正确答案

4 傻子原则:除了文章,把自己当成一个一无所知的傻子。(不利用自己的背景知识来做题)

* 主旨题

1 标志:mainly about; best title; purpose (文章的主题+作者写作手法或者态度)

2 确定文章主题


分类:单段式,多段式/ 顺承式,转折式







段首句:vary, 判断句,suggest/show that


3 叠加法:把每一段主题叠加在一起就是整篇文章的主题

4 三大原则:文章的中心词或其同义词必须出现



5 小心首末段陷阱

第四部分 阅读理解文章分类


1 社会科学:教育学,经济学,信息科学,电脑网络

2 自然科学:环境保护(每年考一篇),新能源的利用

3 人文科学:社会关系,风土人情,社会生活


1 以议论文和说明文为主,排斥叙述文

2 三种文章基本框架结构





一、 听力短对话

1) 排除不相干选项+听到什么不选什么

2) But题型(CET4/04.6/No. 1, 5; CET4/05.1/ No. 3; CET6/04.6/No. 5, 10; CET6/05.1/No. 2, 9, 10)

1. M: I ran into our friend Mark yesterday on the street, and he said he hadn't heard from you in two months.

W: Yes, I know. But I've been too busy to phone him.

Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? (CET4/04.6/No.1)

A) The man saw Mark on the street two months ago.

B) The woman had forgotten Mark's phone number.

C) The woman made a phone call to Mark yesterday

D) Mark and the woman had not been in touch for some time.

3) 语气语调(CET4/04.6/No. 3, 9; CET4/05.1/No. 10; CET6/05.1/No. 3)

4) 数字时间题的处理

2. M: So, when are the other guys going to get here? The train is leaving in 10 minutes. We can't wait here forever!

W: It's 10:30 already? They are supposed to be here by now! I told everybody to meet here by 10:15.

Q: When is the train leaving? (CET4/04.6/No.3)

C) At 10:40.

5)建议请求(本讲义No. 3, 6, 8; CET6/05.1/No. 8)

注意事项:--第二个人回答的态度往往比第一个人的提问重要的多(e.g. No.8)

--第二个人的回答中的重要小词:what about, how about, why not, why don't, you'd better, let's等(e.g. No. 3)

--答语中的反问句 (e.g. No. 6)

3. M: Washing dishes at the restaurant every day is really boring.

W: Why don't you quit and deliver flowers for me?

Q: What does the woman advise the man to do? (CET4/04.6/No.6)

D) Leave his job to work for her.

6 M: Alien is in the basementtrying to repair the washing machine.

W: She isn't going to working his term paper?

Q: What does woman think Alien should do? (CET4/05.1/No.6)

D) Finish his assignment.


8. W: If the weather is this hot tomorrow, we may as well give up the idea of playing tennis in the afternoon.

M: Oh. I don't think it'll last long. The weather forecast says it will cloud-over by mid-afternoon.

Q: What does the man mean? (CET4/05.1/No.10)

A) They shouldn't change their plan

B) They'd better change their mind

6) 女人强过男人(CET4/05.1/No. 3)

4. M: Can I borrow your math textbook? I lost mine on the bus.

W: You've asked the right person. I happened to have an extra copy.

Q: What does the woman mean? (CET4/04.6/No.7)

B) She can help the man out.

7) 校园生活符合正常思维(e.g. 凡事不应该放弃CET6/00.1; 高雅的东西永远推崇;教授的演讲虽然有时boring但是最终永远是正面评价;作业虽然多但是永远有方法可以克服; 考试一定要努力,否则没有好结果--男人一般不努力)

5. M: I'm going to drop my information science class. It needs too early in the morning.

W: Is that really the good reason to drop the class, tiny?

Q: What does the woman mean? (CET4/05.1/No.2)

A) Tony should continue taking the course.

8)Well题(CET6/04.6/No. 7)

7. W: Professor, a few of us at the back didn't get your copy of reading as assignment.

M: Well, there are only 38 names on my class list. And I didn't bring any spare copies.

Q: what do we learn from the conversation? (CET4/05.1/No.7)

C) Some of the students are not on the professor's list.

9) 话里有话题(四六级听力短对话的最大不同之处)

9. W: Shouldn't someone go pick up the clothes from the laundry? They were ready 3 hours ago.

M: Don't look at me, mom.

Q: What does the boy mean? (CET6/04.6/No.6)

A) He's unwilling to fetch the laundry.

10.W: I can't believe Karen is late for such an importance occasion as a job interview. I reminded her time and again yesterday.

M: You should have known her better by now. Everything you tell her goes in one ear and out the other.

Q: What does the man imply? (CET6/05.1/No.7)

A) Karen is very forgetful




--转折小词:But, However, Nonetheless, Nevertheless, Otherwise, Yet, Other, Another, Unfortunately.

--因果小词:原因 Because, As, Due to, Thanks to, Since, Now

结果 So, As a result, Therefore, Thus, Hence, Reason why

3) 某人说话--Said, Told, Discovered, Found, Showed, Indicated.

4) 举例子;重复;自问自答;有且只有一个数字的处理。


1)前7个小词是自己的问题,多注意一些词语如:Majority, frequently, environment, government, mechanism, correspondence, architecture, artificial, cooperation, coordination, specialist等字母很多但是平时又比较熟悉的词语。


3) 概括的三种办法

 Doctors have strongly encouraged their patients to do more physical exercise in their daily life. (主干提取法)

 We can know about running from numerous running clubs, books, and magazines (many media).

 Will it last long? Only time will tell or until another passion comes along (Nobody knows).
  • surgery [´sə:dʒəri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.外科;外科手术 四级词汇
  • permanently [´pə:mənəntli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.永久地;持久地 四级词汇
  • virtually [´və:tʃuəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.实际上,实质上 四级词汇
  • basement [´beismənt] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.地下室 四级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • forecast [´fɔ:kɑ:st] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.&n.预测;预报 六级词汇
  • taking [´teikiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.迷人的 n.捕获物 六级词汇
  • laundry [´lɔ:ndri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.洗衣店;待洗的衣服 四级词汇
  • unwilling [ʌn´wiliŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.不愿意的;不情愿的 四级词汇
  • mechanism [´mekənizəm] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.机械装置;机制 四级词汇

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