误译:Over 90 % of the stray children from Xinjiang who are traveling in the coastal and
interior areas are victims of abducting.
正译:Over 90 % of the stray children from Xinjiang who are roaming about in the coastal and
interior areas are victims of abducting.
to travel 的意思是 to go from one place to another,usually on business, or for visiting or sighting,即"为公务、访问或观光而旅行",没有"流浪"的含义。
to roam 或to
wander 的意思是to move about without a fixed course or a clear purpose,即"无固定路线或清楚目的而到处行走",相当于"流浪"。
"流浪"的第一个意思是指人"居无定所,四处漂泊,生活没有着落"。英语可以译为 to roam about, to roam around, to
wander from place to place, to
wander here and there, to rove, to lead a
vagrant life, to tramp from place to place, to be on the tramp。
Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has vowed to find and bring home all of the children native to the region who are wandering here and there in other parts of the country.
"流浪者",可以译为 tramp, vagrant, vagabond。
2. 这个流浪者到处流浪,无家可归,也没有固定职业或收入。
vagrant wanders from place to place without a home or regular
employment or income.
"流浪儿童",可以译为 stray child,
vagrant child, waif, street urchin。
3. 这些流浪儿童来自经济欠发达的偏远农村地区的贫困家庭。
vagrant children are from impoverished families in the under-developed
remote rural areas.
"流浪"的第二个意思是指动物"没有主人或走失"。英语可以译为 stray。