
句子:扮演儿子的这位青年崭露头角, 虽然他原来没什么名气, 但是我预计他会成为真正的明日之星。
误译:This young man who plays the son steals the spotlight. I never heard of him before, but I predict he'll be a real star.
正译:This young man who plays the son steals the show. I never heard of him before, but I predict he'll be a real star.
解释:steals the show意思是崭露头角, 令他人相形失色。这位青年演员依靠自身的才华压下了他人的光彩;他没有耍弄任何计谋手腕去不公平地占别人的便宜。
而通过政治手腕来抢他人的风头应该用steal the spotlight,或steal someone's thunder.
steals the show是褒义的说法, 而steal the spotlight是贬义的说法。
1. I couldn't believe how he stole our thunder - he told a reporter about the new drug, so the papers gave him the credit but not all the people who actually did the work.
原来这个人抢先一步对记者宣告这种新药。这一来报刊就把功劳都归给他, 却忽略了真正为此付出辛劳的人。
2. Our rival called a surprise press conference that night to announce his plan to cut state taxes 25 percent. So he stole the spotlight from us on TV that night and in the papers the next morning.
我们的政敌那天晚上出乎意料地召开记者招待会, 宣布他要把州税削减百分之二十五的计划, 于是他在当天晚上的电视和第二天早上的报上都抢走了我们的风头。