1. cross my heart
Cross my heart 在中文里的意思就是"保证"或者"发誓"等。一个小孩会用cross my heart 来让你相信他说的话是真的。
例如:Billy, cross my heart, it wasn't me who broke your bicycle.
Cross my heart 这个俗语用的面是很广的,不仅小孩常用,大人也经常用这个俗语。例如,有的谈恋爱的人就用 cross my heart 来向对方表白自己的真情。
例如:Honey, cross my heart, I've never looked at another woman since the first day I set eyes on you! Believe me, that's the truth!
2. to have a heart
在大多数情况下,人心显示出来的是人类感情善良的一面,例如慷慨。要是有一个人对你说: "Aw, come on--have a heart!"
To have a heart 要是从字面上来解释那就会毫无意义了,因为每个人生下来都是有一颗心的。To have a heart 是一个俗语,它的意思就是要求别人对说话的人表示同情,或者是要求别人帮助他。
Hey, Dad, have a heart and let me use the new car; I have this big date with Jennie tonight.
3. My heart stood still
My heart stood still.我们上面已经说过,"heart"就是心, stood 就是 stand 的过去时,意思是站着,still 就是静止的、不动的。大家可能从字面上已经猜到 My heart stood still 的意思了。My heart stood still 就是指某件事使你非常害怕,或惊恐,以致你的心脏都几乎停止跳动了。
例如:My heart stood still when the other car ran through the red light and I knew we were about to crash.
4. heart-to-heart talk
Heart-to-heart talk 的意思就是两个人很严肃、很坦率地谈论一些私事。 Heart-to-heart talk 翻译到中文就是"坦诚的谈话",或者是"促膝谈心"。比如说,当一个妻子发觉他的丈夫在赛马方面花的钱太多,她可能就要和她丈夫好好地进行一次 heart-to-heart talk.或者,一个工作人员老是迟到早退的话,他的老板可能就要把他找到办公室来进行一次 heart-to-heart talk.
例如:Son, you and I have to sit down and have a heart-to-heart talk about your school grades. You have to do something to bring them up if you want to get into a good college.
5.(God) bless your/his ... heart
如:God bless your heart. It's
terribly good of you to come.
6. My heart bleeds for you/him...
多用作反语,有时,也说you are breaking my heart,表示责备。
如:My heart bleeds for you. I told you not to argue with the boss.