
An inventive artist has created a Halloween-inspired 3-D collection of garage covers, including designs of the grim reaper and Dracula's gothic den.
The amazing 3-D images by Thomas Sassenbach give the impression that all manner of spooky spectacles have taken residence in their owner's garage .
One of the creations gives the illusion of a giant pumpkin lurking under the garage shutters, while another tricks passers-by into thinking an eerie ghost is guarding the space for the owner's family vehicle.
Mr Sassenbach's garage door covers, which are made from weather-resistant tarpaulin and can be attached to doors with velcro, cost up to £147 each.
The 47-year-old artist said: "they are more than likely to give your neighbours a scare. I wanted to bring a sense of fun and style to garages and so I came up with head-turning designs."
The Halloween motifs are aimed at everyone who is crazy about Halloween and wants to show it.
"I am sure, a real Halloween Fan will find his favourite motif."
For those not quite ready for such a spooky cover to their garage, less seasonal friendlier designs have also been created.


其中的一幅创作给人一种错觉, 仿佛巨大的万圣节南瓜头正潜藏在你的车库里。而另一幅图案则是一个用于戏弄路人的车库鬼怪图,足以让路人疑惑不解。


