
Nokia today unveiled a new crop of smartphones that could put the company back in the smartphone race with rivals iPhone and Android.
It could also mark a turnaround for Microsoft's unpopular Windows Phone 7 software.
Nokia CEO Stephen Elop unveiled the company's new partnership with Windows Phone 7 today in the form of the Nokia Lumia 800 - a hi-tech, mid-priced handset running the latest version of Microsoft's operating system.
The phone costs £364. The cheaper, lower specced Lumia 710 model will cost just £234. Both will go on sale across Europe in November.
The pricing in particular could be crucial in putting Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 back in competition with its smartphone rivals.
Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer said that the Windows giant would cut prices to drive sales.
The partnership is predicted to capture 12.3 per cent of the European market for Microsoft over the coming year, said analysts Strategic Analytics this week.
"We believe that the world is ready for something new", said Elop.
It offers a larger screen than iPhone, a fast processor, and built-in 3D Xbox games.
Despite largely positive reviews and feedback for its simple approach and clean, simple interface, Microsoft's Windows Phone 7 software has yet to capture a large amount of market share.
Windows Phone division chief Andy Lees said the Nokia devices were a huge development for Microsoft.
The handsets were unveiled alongside new online services from Nokia - such as a "cloud" storage service allowing users to store 25GB of data such as pictures and music on Nokia servers, rather than within the phone itself.


这也标志着不受欢迎的Windows Phone 7系统软件可能出现新的转机。
诺基亚首席执行官斯蒂芬·埃洛普今日在推出诺基亚Lumia 800之际,公布了与微软Windows Phone 7的全新合作关系,Lumia 800是一款高科技、中等价位的手机,运行最新版本的微软操作系统。

这款手机售价364英镑,而另一款较便宜、较低端的Lumia 710则只需花费234英镑。两款手机都将于11月在全欧洲发行销售。
要想让微软Windows Phone 7操作系统重新在智能手机市场与对手展开竞争,定价尤其关键。




尽管因为简便的操作、干净清爽的界面收到了许多积极的评论和反馈,微软Windows Phone 7系统仍旧未能获得大量的市场份额。
Windows Phone部门主管安迪·里斯表示,诺基亚的设备对于微软来说是一次巨大的发展。
