
The International Monetary Fund's new chief, Christine Lagarde, has a chance to make a splash this week as financeministers and central bankers from around the world gather in Washington for the IMF's annual meeting. The overriding question: How to stop the global economy from sliding back into recession?

多国财长和央行行长本周将齐聚华盛顿出席国际货币基金组织(IMF)年会,届时IMF新任总裁拉嘉德(Christine Lagarde)可能会语惊四座。年会最重要的议题是,如何阻止全球经济重新陷入衰退。

IMF managing directors are usually a cautious lot, who take their cues from the leaders of the fund's 187 member nations, especially its most powerful ones.


But Ms. Lagarde seems to be willing to take greater risks