
Walt Disney Co.'s drama 'The Help' repeated as the top-grossing film at the North American box office this past weekend, as attendance overall was battered by Hurricane Irene and theater closures in the Northeast.

刚过去的这个周末,华特•迪士尼公司(Walt Disney Co.)的剧情片《相助》(The Help)蝉联北美票房排行榜冠军宝座,而北美整体票房由于飓风"艾琳"及东北地区影院停业而受挫。

The top 12 films this weekend earned a total of $73.2 million, 23% less than the $95.1 million grossed by the top 12 films during the same time frame last year. 'The Help' brought in $14.3 million of that.


Taking into account all films, the weekend took in an estimated $88 million, according to Hollywood.com, making the period the second-lowest grossing weekend of the year.


Dave Hollis, Disney's executive vice president for theatrical sales and distribution, said theater closures certainly had an impact on grosses for 'The Help,' but the company supported its 'partners in exhibition in keeping their employees safe.'

迪士尼负责影院销售及发行的执行副总裁霍里斯(Dave Hollis)说,影院停业肯定对《相助》的票房产生了影响,但公司对其合作影院保证员工安全的行为表示支持。

As of Sunday, AMC Entertainment Inc. had closed all of its theaters in New York and New Jersey and select theaters in Washington, D.C., and Philadelphia, among other cities.

截至上周日,影院连锁公司AMC Entertainment Inc.在纽约和新泽西的影院全部暂停营业,华盛顿特区和费城等城市部分影院停业。

Of the weekend's new releases, the action film 'Colombiana' fared the best, earning an estimated $10.3 million. Released by Sony Corp.'s TriStar, the film stars Zoe Saldana as an assassin and appealed primarily to women, who made up 57% of the audience.

周末新上映的影片中,动作片《哥伦比亚人》(Colombiana)成绩最佳,获得约1,030万美元的票房。该片由索尼公司(Sony Corp.)旗下的三星影业(TriStar)发行,左伊•索尔达纳(Zoe Saldana)在片中饰演一名杀手。该片吸引的主要是女性观众,女性观众占57%。

'Don't Be Afraid of the Dark,' an R-rated horror film from FilmDistrict, 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes,' from News Corp.'s Twentieth Century Fox and 'Our Idiot Brother,' a comedy from Weinstein Co., rounded out the top five. News Corp. also owns The Wall Street Journal.

位列票房榜第三、第四和第五名的分别是FilmDistrict的R级电影《别怕黑》(Don't Be Afraid of the Dark)、新闻集团(News Corp.)旗下20世纪福克斯(Twentieth Century Fox)的《猿族崛起》(Twentieth Century Fox)和韦恩斯坦公司(Weinstein Co.)出品的喜剧片《我们的傻老哥》(Our Idiot Brother)。《华尔街日报》也隶属于新闻集团。

Erik Lomis, Weinstein Co.'s president of theatricaldistribution and home entertainment, said the closures in the Northeast may have hurt its film more than the other new releases. The comedy, which stars Paul Rudd as a naive do-gooder, was rated R and appealed to an older demographic that was more likely to stay home because of the storm.

韦恩斯坦公司负责影院发行和家庭娱乐业务的总裁罗密斯(Erik Lomis)说,东北地区影院关闭对该公司影片的影响可能比其他新上档影片大。这部喜剧片被评为R级,保罗•路德(Paul Rudd)在片中出演一个天真的老好人。该片的主要观众年纪较大,他们更有可能会因飓风待在家中。

Michelle Kung