

古埃及字母长的什么样? 本游戏提供了26个字母和古埃及字母对应游戏,你可以点键盘上的字母,屏幕上会显示该字母的古埃及象形文.

The ancient Egyptians wrote with different scripts. The most famous script that they used is the 'hieroglyphic' script. The script uses symbols or pictures to represent sounds. There are more than 2,000 symbols in hieroglyphic script, but there is a simple version with one symbol to represent the 26 letters used in the alphabet.

Use the Hiero-Writer to write words in hieroglyphics - what does your name look like? You can print the words too.

How to play: Click on 'Start' Click on letters using your mouse. The hieroglyphic symbol will appear in the box. Click 'back' to delete the last symbol, click 'clear' to delete all the symbols. Click 'print' to print the symbols.

  • script [skript] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.笔迹;手稿;剧本 六级词汇
  • version [´və:ʃən, ´və:rʒən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.翻译;说明;译本 四级词汇
  • delete [di´li:t] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.删去,擦掉 六级词汇