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Part 1
A+B: Yes, we are.
B: Yes, I like English very much because I can learn the foreign lifestyle through learning a foreign language.
B: My favorite subject is Computer Science because I am very interested in computers.
B: I don't like politics because I think it is a little dull.
B: Yes. I hope I can work in an IT company when I graduate. It will be interesting to work on what I like.
Part 2
B: Yes, it is really impressive. And it is a serious problem to be solved in our society.
B: Yes, there are a lot of examples. Some people sleep in the subway station near my home. And some pupils can not afford their primary school in my hometown.
B: Yes, I can not agree more. But the government has noticed this serious problem. Doesn't the policy of harmonious society include the elimination of this disparity between the rich and the poor?
B: You are right.
Part 3
B: I completely agree with Candidate A. Traffic jam has already become more and more severe in big cities. A lot of people spend more than three hours on the road to and from work, and at least half an hour is wasted on waiting in the traffic jam. It is really annoying.
B: This picture shows that a thief in a bus is stealing a person's purse, but no one wants to stop him. They are pretending that they don't see it. The reason why people are so cold-hearted is that they don't want to get into trouble. Life is becoming busy nowadays. There are always too many things to deal with. People don't want to put their energy on something that is none of their own business. It seems that people are becoming more selfish. But should we blame them? I don't think so. They have already got too much burden in their life, so it is reasonable that they only think about themselves.