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Part 1
A+B: Yes, we are.
B: There are four members in my family.
B: They are my parents, my sister and I.
B: My father is a teacher in a local college.
B: I think they can help me with my housework and give me great support when I am in trouble.
Part 2
B: I usually travel by train. I think it is much safer and cheaper than other ways. What about you?
B: That's true. But there are also some disadvantages about driving a car. For example, you have to worry about that the car may go wrong sometimes and you have to pay much attention to the road condition.
B: What do you think about traveling by air?
B: And what about bus?
B: Yes. We can choose different ways of transport when we go to different places.
Part 3
B: I agree with what Candidate A said. But to solve this problem, we can not only depend on our government. Every body and every company should be responsible for this. The whole society should work together. And also the government has made some regulations about water pollution and the problem has become better lately.
B: It is a picture about traveling in holiday. In China, there are three long holidays for working people. They are May Day, National holiday and the Spring Festival. Each of the holidays includes about seven days. People take advantage of these holidays to enjoy themselves. So a lot of them choose to travel during their holidays. People are getting richer these years so that they can afford their travel, even abroad travel. People grasp the chance to broaden their horizon, know new friends, enjoy the nature and also keep fit. But one thing that is really frustrating is that there are always so many people that they can not completely relax themselves. And the places of interest get destroyed to some extent.