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Part 1
A+B: Yes, we are.
A: I come from Hubei Province.
A: Yes, I like it very much because I love the people there.
A: Yes. My hometown is a beautiful place and the environment is very good.
A: I came here four years ago when I found a job here.
Part 2
A: Which kind of transport do you like best? Why?
A: I love traveling by car. It is more convenient. I can stop whenever and wherever I want to.
A: I agree with you on this point but I really enjoy driving.
A: If we go to somewhere that is too far such as the US, plane is obviously the most convenient way. It is fast.
A: It is suitable for relatively short trips. It is slow but it is cheap.
Part 3
A: In the picture, the river has been severely polluted. A factory is pouring waste water into it. It has become so smelly that a child passing by has to cover his nose with his hands. The problem of pollution in China has been very serious since the fast development of our economy. The profit people make is at the price of environment. When the river is polluted, it will cause water-supply problems in the cities around and living on the river. Songhua River accident was one of the examples. The local government had to cut down the water-supply to millions of people in Harbin in Heilongjiang Province. I think the government should take powerful and effective measures to stop this.
A: I agree with Candidate B. The places of interest are always so crowed during the holidays that some people don't want to go out. They choose to stay at home. Maybe it will be feasible for companies to allow their staff to choose when they like to take a holiday instead of these three fixed ones for all.