
UN: 22 Countries in Danger of Famine (2/2)

The FAO will host a conference that opens next Tuesday where delegates from all over the world will discuss high food prices and the challenges to reduce food insecurity, posed in the long-term by climate change and other factors. A number of world leaders are expected to attend.
The U.N. agency says the meeting will be a "historic chance" to re-launch the fight against hunger and poverty and boost agricultural production in developing countries.
"We are trying to attract the attention of the international community and bring people in the same venue to make decisions, outline plans, set up strategies for facing the short and long-term consequences of high food prices for food security.This is a high level conference on challenges. And we believe also that a lot of these challenges have to be faced through coordinated action among countries and not in isolation."

The FAO report says the conference should agree on plans to boost local food production and increase investments to stimulate production.

It adds that leaders need to agree on assistance to the poor, including food subsidies and cash transfers.

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