

喷油器壳体 nozzle holder

突缘安装喷油器壳体 flanged-mounted injection nozzle holder

燃油喷射泵传动装置 transmision of an injection pump

喷嘴锥体 nozzle hole cone

柱塞 plunger

柱塞套 barrel

柱塞行程 plunger stroke

喷孔 spray orifice

海拔控制器 altitude control

提前器飞锤 flyweight

喷孔长径比 ratio of nozzle hole length nozzle diameter

喷嘴液动力特性 nozzle hydrokinetic characteristics

动态相位 dynamic phase

喷孔面积 nozzle hole area

喷嘴流通特性 nozzle flow characteristic

喷油背压 injection back pressure

高压油管 high pressure pipe

平均喷油扭矩 mean injection torque

喷油总效率 overall pumping efficiency

峰值喷油压力 injection peak pressure

预行程 prestroke

收缩行程 retraction stroke

燃油箱 fuel tank

油箱盖 fuel tank

油位表 fuel level gauge

注油控制装置 fill control system

汽油箱 gasoline tank

( petrol tank)

汽油供给管 gasoline feed pipe

加油管 filler tube

放油螺塞 drain plug

吸油管 suction pipe

刚性燃油管 rigid fuel pipe

进油孔 fuel feed hole

供油管 supply pipe

通气管 bleeding pipe

通气管 bleeding pipe

泄油阀 spill valve

泄油孔口 spill port

进油阀 inlet valve

