
I just made a boat out of a newspaper. Now I am going down to the stream in the woods and float my paper boat. Will it float? I will get a leaf for a flag. I will put another leaf in the boat. He is the lookout. Let us see if it floats.

I know the woods by heart. I am going where there is a big rock, a stream, and a waterfall flowing over the rocks.It is beautiful.I hear the trickling water. The water looks orange,yellow, and green because all the leaves have fallen in the water. They float. I am walkingover to a rock covered with moss and roots of trees. I lean over and see my reflection in the water. I am thinking "What is going to happen?''I put theboat in the water. It floats gracefully.the water is calm.

I make up a story. Five pirates were tumbling along in their little boat on Moosehead Lake.They were tossed down a river.They did not know what on earth this river was. They decided it was the Kennebec River. They kept on going until they came to a mysterious pond. Far away they could see the blue waters of the sea. They turned into the lake first.Theysteered their boat toward land where there were no people.They saw only trees, beaver dams, and beams of light splashing through the trees. The light blinked because the leaves were swaying.They built a leanto and started a bonfire.They ccaught salmon and filled themselves up.

I pick up my paper boat and say,"Good job,little boat.''I like it here in th woods. It is quiet and hidden.
  • lookout [´lukaut] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.警戒;景色;前途 四级词汇