
It was reported that many parents move to where their sons or daughters received college education,rented an apartment and lived with their "precious babies"taking care of all their housework including cooking ,laundry ,cleaning and other stuff,which all of above gave rise to national attention on college students'dependence on their parents and ignorance of everyday living.

Parents are so selfless that they are willing to do anythings for their children,but most of them misunderstand the nuture of education whose importance not only lie in the textbook kownledge but also the practice ability for them to live in the world.Parents generous action provided the student with conveinences;meanwhile, eprived the student of their opportunity to learn how to take care of thenselves and other people.

The lack of practice still makes some straight-A student' aura dim.We can hardly imagine a future capable leader or future excellent engineeer would be fed by their silver-haired parents. SO it is the parents responsibility to give their children love and care as well as a chance to live on their own.
  • housework [´hauswə:k] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.家务劳动 六级词汇
  • laundry [´lɔ:ndri] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.洗衣店;待洗的衣服 四级词汇
  • misunderstand [,misʌndə´stænd] 移动到这儿单词发声 vt.误会 六级词汇
