
Finding friends

A NEW semester has come again. Many freshmen have left home to begin campus life. We can find many topics on school BBS or website forums on education. Some are posted by freshmen, some by senior students.

Those who want to find someone in the same college can leave their information such as cellphone number, e-mail address and home address. Some warm-hearted seniors may share their own campus experiences with freshmen.

Through online forums, students from the same school or department also make friends fairly early. This to some extent may relieve their homesickness.

But those who post their information should know that it could be used by someone with bad intentions.

On the whole, finding some friends to be with at university is a good idea.

Fu Xiaohua, via e-mail

21st says: That's a really good idea to make the entrance into college life less bumpy. You can find other tips from our "Freshmen Guide" supplement.

Don't stare at people when they don't like it

WE'RE six university students. This summer holiday, we did a sample survey of foreigners' impressions of the Yangtze River area.

The foreigners we spoke to told us that they enjoyed their time in China and were surprised by modern cities like Shanghai.

Most of them thought that Chinese people were friendly and willing to give them a hand. However, what bothered them most was that many people stared at them wherever they went, which made them feel bad. We were embarrassed upon hearing that. I think it's rude to stare at strangers. Just imagine people around you staring at you, how would you feel?

Jelly, Hangzhou

21st says: That's no doubt true, but Roger and Charlie here at 21st Century say they like being stared at. They like the attention.

They're enslaved by their education

I READ "Rich people must have their smarts" on page 6 of the August 22 issue in which the writer encourages readers to "try to find the positive aspects of [rich people's] personalities that you can learn from them." I racked my brain trying to come up with some reasons and found this: The rich may be detested in light of their coldness, but they deserve respect for their boldness. Many rich people don't even have a higher education. But the lack of education keeps them off the beaten track. They tend to think outside the box with no fear of failure and finally make a difference. When asked the key to his success, Ma Yun, the founder and chief operations officer of Alibaba Group, said that he had nothing but passion for the Internet. "The ignorant are intrepid," he quoted Wang Shuo as saying.

Apparently, many people use Wang Shuo's words with sarcasm. But haven't they themselves lost something when they are enslaved by their higher education that they are so proud of?

Ke Rensi, Shantou University

21st says: Just remember, being bold doesn't mean you need to be unscrupulous.


bumpy 坎坷的

detest 憎恨

disguise 伪装, 掩饰


homesick 想家的

intrepid 无畏的

jackpot 累积奖金

relieve 减轻

sarcasm 讽刺

unscrupulous 肆无忌惮的
  • yangtze [´jæŋtsi:] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.长江 四级词汇
  • august [ɔ:´gʌst] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.尊严的;威严的 六级词汇
  • trying [´traiiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.难堪的;费劲的 四级词汇
  • boldness [´bəuldnis] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.大胆;冒失;显著 四级词汇