
The People's Education Press (PEP) is an agency of the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China. It is the largest educational publishing house in China. It mainly engages in researching, writing, compiling, publishing and distributing primary and secondary school textbooks and other educational books. PEP was founded on December 1st, 1950. The Chinese name of PEP was inscribed by Chairman Mao Zedong. The first president and editor-in-chief of PEP was Mr. Ye Shengtao, a distinguished writer, educator and publisher in China.

In order to strengthen research on the curriculum and improve the textbooks for primary and secondary schools, the Curriculum & Teaching Materials Research Institute (CTMRI) was founded in June of 1983. Mr. Deng Xiaoping inscribed the Chinese name of CTMRI. PEP and CTMRI share the same staff, which means that the editors of PEP are also researchers for CTMRI. Since its foundation, the CTMRI has invested great efforts in researching the curriculum and implementing the research in its textbooks. This has influenced the teaching methods used by primary and secondary school educators. The CTMRI has also successfully taken on many national research projects. All of this work ensures the overall excellence of PEP's publications, and insures that the standards of a quality-oriented education are met.
  • excellence [´eksələns] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.优秀;杰出;优点 四级词汇