
I often imagine about such a discrete community which is situated far from the human populated land, situated somewhere in the mid of jungle or on a far away situated island, totallydependent on natural resources, with no material facilities at all, living their life making use of natural resources as much as possible. In the background of such community I see that all the people of this community is master in one particular field like one is good at cooking, someone at collecting woods for generating fire, someone master at building huts or small houses of woods to live in, someone strong enough to fetch the drinking water from the near by river, someone good at fishing (for food of course) where someone good at farming the needful vegetables and fruits. But in this community there no one is called the boss, all are master of their own, no slavery at all, but still deeply attached with each other with emotions, without thinking about the outside world, enjoying their life totally with nature, chanting prayers in the evening, singing songs by making a camp-fire at night with the company of stars in the wild black starry sky, going for swimming in the near by beach together, enjoying the waterfalls, climbing the mountains situated on the island or jungle ? along or in group, revealing the truth of jungle or island and doing everything that can be done without harming anyone either in the community or in the jungle.

I know this wouldn't be a easy life to lead, obstacles will arise, have to struggle a lot in the beginning to associate ourselves with nature, learning its signs and basics of how it works, building the community place, arranging for daily life resources ? mostly food, drinking water and accommodation, but with total dedication all this can happen in real.

So what would be the first step for making this community a real? The first step would be a search for such perfect place which is situated in a lonely place, out of reach of other humans. We would also need to see as if the local Government doesn't put its feet in the way being an obstacle in this dream of us. This would be the most difficult task in making this community I?m talking about. I wonder we can find such a place either in Africa or in Antarctica. You can suggest any other place in other continent if you know. Once we clear this first step, the rest of the things would come its way, of course they won?t be easy either as nothing is easy in the beginning, but as I said, provided sufficient devotion and dedication it can be achieved.

How many of you desire to participate in this community and why? How many of you have imagined about such lonely life style already? If you have imagined so earlier, what is it you see?mastery? upon? I mean how you can contribute in lessening the daily struggles of this community like are you good at cooking, fishing, fetching water, building the wooden dens or what? What more inputs you need to add to my above thoughts? You feel some of my thoughts are not as they should be? If yes, which are they? And what do you suggest in place of them and why? Do you know any such place where we can build such community?

This is just the beginning in my thought process, yet a lot more to come in this subject, but first let me know your thoughts too on this subject so as we can proceed further in the world of fantasies and imagination.
  • totally [´təutəli] 移动到这儿单词发声 ad.统统,完全 四级词汇
  • fishing [´fiʃiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.钓鱼;捕鱼;渔业 四级词汇
  • starry [´stɑ:ri] 移动到这儿单词发声 a.星光照耀的,闪亮的 四级词汇
  • accommodation [ə,kɔmə´deiʃən] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.供应;调解;贷款 四级词汇
  • participate [pɑ:´tisipeit] 移动到这儿单词发声 v.参与;分享;带有 四级词汇