最常用?卧~、短?,甚至一些?定俗成的句子、段落、文章也有其固定的翻?方法,下面?些著名的??嗑褪俏以诙嗄甑姆e累中??的,?在列?出?砉┐蠹?⒖肌?br />
1.如果我????八股也打倒了,那就算?? 主?主?和宗派主?最後地"?④?",弄得????怪物原形?露,"老鼠?街,人人喊打",????怪物也就容易消?缌恕?br />
If we destroy that too, we shall 'cheekmate' subjectivism and sectarianism and make both these monster show themselves in their true colors, and then we shall easily be able to
annihilate them, like 'rats running across the street with everyone yelling, kill them! kill them!'
2.中??且??小????成分?O其?V大的??遥????是?在????V大??的包??校???又有很大?盗康馁p是出身於?????的,他??都不免或?或短地拖著一?l小????的尾巴???怼?br />
China is a country with a very large petty-bourgeoisie and our Party is surrounded by this enormous class; a great number of our Party members come from this class, and when they join the Party they
inevitably drug in with them a petty-bourgeois tail, be it long or short.
The first thing to do in their
reasoning process is to give the patient a good shake-up by shouting at him,' You are ill!' So as to
administer a shock and make him break out in a sweat, and then to give him sincere advice on getting treatment.
Some of our comrades love to unite long articles with no substance, very much like the foot-bindings of a slattern long as well as smelly.
saying 'to play the flute to a cow' implies a gibe at the audience.
What is worse, he is producing a Party stereotypes as raucous as a crow, and yet he insists on crawing at the masses.
The fifth
indictment against stereotyped writing is that it arranges item under a complicated set of headlings, as if starting a Chinese pharmacy.
8.主?主?和宗派主?的?|西表?在?八股式的文章和演??面,?s生怕人家?,非常?怯,於是就靠?幼??人,以?檫@一??人家就??]口,自己就可以"得?倩爻?绷恕?br />
But those who write subjectivist and sectgarian articles and speeches in the form of party stereotypes fear refutation, are very cowardly,and therefore rely on pretentiousness to overcome others, believing that they can thereby silence people and 'win the day'.
sayings go, 'Sing different songs on different mountains' and 'Fit the dress to the figure and fit the appetite to the dishes'.