
Directions: Study the following photos carefully and write an essay in which you should

1. describe the photos briefly

2. interpret the social phenomenon reflected by them, and

3. give your point of view

As is vividly described in the two pictures, many young people are fans of stars and they try every means to show their adoration. The first photo shows a face of a guy who has the name "Beckham"-a famous British footballer written on his face, while in the second picture another guy spends 300 yuan-a big sum of money for many people doing a hairstyle of Beckham.

The photos clearly reveal a serious and pervasive social problem nowadays. First of all, there is no denying that many youngsters want to be famous or rich overnight, therefore their focus is only on the success of the superstars, ignoring the fact that the famous people have to overcome many hardships and difficulties before they attain their success. A case in point is Beckham or Liu Xiang. What's more, following the footsteps of superstars will waste the youngsters' precious time. They are at a prime time to learn new knowledge and lay a solid foundation for their future career. Sheer adoration of stars will ruin their study and their future. Last but not least, some stars are not the ideal idols for young people, for example, the famous footballer Maradona used to abuse drugs. This, of course, has a negative effect on the development of the young people.

In my point of view, effective measures must be taken to correct this situation. It is the responsibility of the authorities to educate the young people to achieve success in a correct way. Meanwhile, the younger generation should redirect their adoration for stars to hard work, thus making greater contributions to the society.