
As my horse, Sorpresa, rounds the corner, he picks up his pace even more. Galloping at breakneck speed on a path barely wider than my saddle, he negotiates the dusty ochre-hued canyon with the skill and grace of a beast not only used to this terrifying terrain, but also of one that is doing so with great relish.

If I have to admit it, so am I. Even when we stop at a ledge and I look down a vertiginous, almost sheer drop, I remind myself this is what these horses are bred for.


As his ears prick forward, I lean far back, and Sorpresa plunges down into the sandy drop with three big leaps and then gallops forward onto the cactus-strewn open plain; I feel straight out of the 1962 film 'Lawrence of Arabia.'


This is the third day into my 10-day adventure in Chile, which will take me from the arid red-earthed Atacama -- one of the driest terrains on the planet -- down to the breathtaking mountains, glacial lakes and never-ending skies of Patagonia.

它竖起耳朵,我往后仰,只见索尔普雷萨三个大跨步纵身向沙石跳下去,然后疾速奔向布满仙人掌的开阔平原;我立马觉得像是进入了1962年电影《阿拉伯的劳伦斯》(Lawrence of Arabia)中的场景。

Staying at Explora lodges, an all-inclusive adventure trip operator that organizes all meals and each day's activities for you, I have opted for a mixture of hiking and riding in both locations. Having spent much of my early life on a horse, I stopped at 14 after breaking my collar bone. But I had been itching to get back in the saddle again.


One thing I didn't account for, however, was that this so-called most arid place on the earth was going to be experiencing its worst rains in years. I had gone in February during Chilean summer. While Atacama is usually perfect year around, Patagonia is best during November to March, so I wanted to catch this season. Normally, the amount of rain wouldn't be a problem. But the hardened earth's inability to soak up the rainfall quickly resulted in flash floods, limiting our choice of walks.


On the first day, I join a small group of six, including lawyers from New York and retired teachers from Germany. As I am on my own, I quickly get adopted by the more friendly couples, and the walk is punctuated by jolly conversation.


We pass over red earth, rocky hillocks and through low-lying ravines. This isn't an arduous hike but one to introduce us to the land. After three hours, it culminates with sundowners of delicious local Cabernet Sauvignon by the jeep, while watching a spectacular double rainbow, one blessing of the inopportune weather.


Dinners are delicious and utilize as much local fare as possible. After a meeting with the guides on the next day's activities, I feast on river trout with fresh peas and fall quickly into a deep slumber in my simple but comfortable room.


The next day is more educational, with a tour around the Cuchabrache in the Catarpe Valley, where the 3,500-year-old petroglyphs depict llamas and jaunty deer, all facing the direction of where water is to be found. We are also introduced to some of the local plants, exotic cure-alls, such as the delightfully named Rica Rica (for stomach problems), Chilca (for bruises and muscular pains) and Pingo Pingo (for relaxation), as well as cocoa, the staple local high.


On day three, I head off into San Pedro de Atacama, a charming town with simple whitewashed adobe houses lining the streets and a pretty square where gaggles of travelers and hippies strum on guitars and smoke around plastic tables. The afternoon is spent with my trusty steed, Sorpresa, whose energetic gait means an early evening bath in the outdoor hot tub with a glass of sparkling Chilean white; it instantly eases the pains.

第二天更多的是长知识,在卡特佩山谷(Catarpe Valley)的库卡布拉齐(Cuchabrache)转了一圈,那里有3,500年前的岩石雕刻,画的是美洲驼和神气活现的鹿,这些动物都面向水源的方向。向导还介绍了一些能治百病的本地植物,比如名字欢快的Rica Rica(治胃病),Chilca(治疗擦伤和肌肉酸痛),以及Pingo Pingo(用于放松身心),还有当地盛产的可可粉。

The next day, I embark on the most testing walk of the trip so far. In search of a challenge, I ask the guide to recommend the most arduous walk: Rio Grande -- Machuca is a long, 4 1/2 to 5 1/2 hour trek downhill. Having met up with my fellow walkers, two fit Russians, at the lodge, we ask to do the trek uphill instead of downhill. The fun starts when our guide makes the three of us wade waist-deep through some rapids, shoes and bags on heads. Under a fine blanket of rain, we heave ourselves up slope after slope, the valley disappearing in fog.

第三天我向圣彼得阿卡塔马(San Pedro de Atacama)进发,这是一个迷人的小镇,街道两旁是简单粉刷的土坯房,还有一个漂亮的广场,一群群旅行者和嬉皮士在这里演奏吉他,围在塑料桌旁抽烟。整个下午我都和我得力的座驾索尔普雷萨在一起,它精力充沛的步伐意味着我可以在傍晚在户外热浴盆里泡澡,喝上一杯起泡智利白葡萄酒;全身的疼痛立马得到缓解。

We come to the abandoned village of Penaliri, where lunch is a pitstop in a former shepherd's house and the sandwiches, brownies and mate tea provided by our guide come as a welcome relief. We set off for the final slog. As we round a corner and leap from island to island of rushes, trying to avoid the icy water, we come across a herd of llamas feasting contentedly on grass. They are adorned with brightly colored rags, draped around their fluffy necks their by farmers to give their thanks to the gods for their livestock.

第四天我开始了此趟行程开始以来最具考验的徒步。为了寻求挑战,我让向导推荐了最艰苦的路线:里奥格兰德(Rio Grande)至马丘卡(Machuca),这是一条漫长的、四个半至五个半小时的下坡路。在旅舍和我的同伴、两个健壮的俄罗斯人碰头后,我们要求换成上山路线。向导让我们三人把鞋子和背包放在头上,涉水穿过齐腰深的几个急流,旅途的乐趣由此展开。在蒙蒙细雨中,我们爬过了一个又一个坡,身后的峡谷慢慢消失在了雾气之中。

Our last stretch of this difficult walk is a final push up a steep hill. As we rise to an altitude of 3,930 meters, breathing becomes harder. Just when I think I am about to collapse, we turn the final corner and a flock of pink flamingos takes flight. My feet are soaking and I can barely feel my limbs, but the sense of achievement is immense.

我们来到了废弃的Penaliri小村庄,中途在一处废弃的牧羊人小屋里吃午餐,向导提供的三明治、布朗尼蛋糕和马黛茶(mate tea)对我们是一大慰藉。随后我们动身开始最后一段艰苦旅程。在转过一个弯,越过一个个灌木丛小岛试图避开冰冷的河水时,我们碰见了一群正心满意足吃草的美洲驼。它们身上装点着色彩鲜艳的破布,主人把这些布缠在它们毛茸茸的脖子上,以感谢上帝赐予他们牲口。

Next stop, via a night in the hip W hotel in Santiago, is a four-hour flight to Patagonia. I am told by a friend to request to sit at a window seat on the left, and an hour or so into the flight I see why -- the most spectacular view of the sun-kissed Andes and piercing blue glacial lakes below.


I arrive and it is a three-hour drive to the lodge in the Torres del Paine National Park, set amid a dramaticlandscape -- towering snow-capped mountains, bright-blue lakes and lush grass; I sit outside for an hour or so taking in the changing shapes and colors as the day ends.


I opt for two major walks and one ride. My first walk, the Grey Glacier, is one of the most popular. This walk is stunning, climbing slowly up a winding mountain path until more of this vast landscape is revealed. Eventually, we climb over the brow of the craggy hill and the glistening glacier is in front of us, as well as other trekker groups admiring the view. And just as I am sitting down to a warming drink of coffee and Baileys to wash down my beef sandwiches, I do a double take as I spot my neighbors from London. The coincidence of this is almost too much to comprehend as we are literally at the end of the earth.
