

请注意! 如果要正常播放动画, 请使用IE浏览器(IE7-IE11都可以), 新版本的chrome类型的浏览器已经默认不支持新版Flash动画, 如果IE浏览器提示没有安装最新版Flash动画播放组件,请点这里下载安装>>安装后,请重新启动你的浏览器或者电脑,播放组件就会自动生效.


拖动右边图板到左边,玩游戏,点右下角Start Song听歌.

While you are waiting for the song to load, try this jigsaw puzzle. Click and drag the pieces into the correct place to build a complete picture. What can you see? When you have finished the puzzle, listen to this fun song about playing in the playground.

  • waiting [´weitiŋ] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.等候;伺候 (初中词汇)
  • puzzle [´pʌzl] 移动到这儿单词发声 n.迷(惑) v.(使)迷惑 (初中词汇)