
back in the cottage. The engineer supped with good appetite,

listening with satisfaction to all the plans unfolded by the old overman;

and had it not been for his excitement about the next day's work,

he would never have slept better than in the perfect stillness

of the cottage.

The following day, after a substantial breakfast,

James Starr, Simon Ford, Harry, and even Madge herself, took the road

already traversed the day before. All looked like regular miners.

They carried different tools, and some dynamite with which to blast

the rock. Harry, besides a large lantern, took a safety lamp,

which would burn for twelve hours. It was more than was necessary

for the journey there and back, including the time for the working--

supposing a working was possible.

"To work! to work!" shouted Ford, when the party reached the further

end of the passage; and he grasped a heavy crowbar and brandished it.

"Stop one instant," said Starr. "Let us see if any change has

taken place, and if the fire-damp still escapes through the crevices."

"You are right, Mr. Starr," said Harry. "Whoever stopped it up

yesterday may have done it again to-day!"

Madge, seated on a rock, carefully observed the excavation,

and the wall which was to be blasted.

It was found that everything was just as they left it. The crevices had

undergone no alteration; the carburetted hydrogen still filtered through,

though in a small stream, which was no doubt because it had had

a free passage since the day before. As the quantity was so small,

it could not have formed an explosivemixture with the air inside.

James Starr and his companions could therefore proceed in security.

Besides, the air grew purer by rising to the heights of the Dochart pit;

and the fire-damp, spreading through the atmosphere, would not be strong

enough to make any explosion.

"To work, then!" repeated Ford; and soon the rock flew in splinters

under his skillful blows. The break was chiefly composed

of pudding-stone, interspersed with sandstone and schist,

such as is most often met with between the coal

veins. James Starr picked up some of the pieces, and examined

them carefully, hoping to discover some trace of coal.

Starr having chosen the place where the holes were to be drilled,

they were rapidly bored by Harry. Some cartridges of dynamite

were put into them. As soon as the long, tarred safety

match was laid, it was lighted on a level with the ground.

James Starr and his companions then went off to some distance.

"Oh! Mr. Starr," said Simon Ford, a prey to agitation, which he did

not attempt to conceal, "never, no, never has my old heart beaten

so quick before! I am longing to get at the vein!"

"Patience, Simon!" responded the engineer. "You don't mean

to say that you think you are going to find a passage all ready

open behind that dyke?"

"Excuse me, sir," answered the old overman; "but of course I think so!

If there was good luck in the way Harry and I discovered this place,

why shouldn't the good luck go on?"

As he spoke, came the explosion. A sound as of thunder

rolled through the labyrinth of subterranean galleries.

Starr, Madge, Harry, and Simon Ford hastened towards the spot.

"Mr. Starr! Mr. Starr!" shouted the overman. "Look! the door

is broken open!"

Ford's comparison was justified by the appearance of

an excavation, the depth of which could not be calculated.

Harry was about to spring through the opening; but the engineer,

though excessively surprised to find this cavity, held him back.

"Allow time for the air in there to get pure," said he.

"Yes! beware of the foul air!" said Simon.

A quarter of an hour was passed in anxious waiting.

The lantern was then fastened to the end of a stick, and introduced

into the cave, where it continued to burn with unaltered brilliancy.

"Now then, Harry, go," said Starr, "and we will follow you."

The opening made by the dynamite was sufficiently large

to allow a man to pass through. Harry, lamp in hand,

entered unhesitatingly, and disappeared in the darkness.

His father, mother, and James Starr waited in silence.

A minute--which seemed to them much longer--passed. Harry did

not reappear, did not call. Gazing into the opening,

James Starr could not even see the light of his lamp, which ought

to have illuminated the dark cavern.

Had the ground suddenly given way under Harry's feet?

Had the young miner fallen into some crevice? Could his voice

no longer reach his companions?

The old overman, dead to their remonstrances, was about to enter

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