
Ossian. Emilie fancied that she recognized her as a distinguished

milady who for some months had been living on a neighboring estate.

Her partner was a lad of about fifteen, with red hands, and dressed in

nankeen trousers, a blue coat, and white shoes, which showed that the

damsel's love of dancing made her easy to please in the matter of

partners. Her movements did not betray her apparentdelicacy, but a

faint flush already tinged her white cheeks, and her complexion was

gaining color. Mademoiselle de Fontaine went nearer, to be able to

examine the young lady at the moment when she returned to her place,

while the side couples in their turn danced the figure. But the

stranger went up to the pretty dancer, and leaning over, said in a

gentle but commanding tone:

"Clara, my child, do not dance any more."

Clara made a little pouting face, bent her head, and finally smiled.

When the dance was over, the young man wrapped her in a cashmere shawl

with a lover's care, and seated her in a place sheltered from the

wind. Very soon Mademoiselle de Fontaine, seeing them rise and walk

round the place as if preparing to leave, found means to follow them

under pretence of admiring the views from the garden. Her brother lent

himself with malicious good-humor to the divagations of her rather

eccentric wanderings. Emilie then saw the attractive couple get into

an elegant tilbury, by which stood a mounted groom in livery. At the

moment when, from his high seat, the young man was drawing the reins

even, she caught a glance from his eye such as a man casts aimlessly

at the crowd; and then she enjoyed the feeblesatisfaction of seeing

him turn his head to look at her. The young lady did the same. Was it

from jealousy?

"I imagine you have now seen enough of the garden," said her brother.

"We may go back to the dancing."

"I am ready," said she. "Do you think the girl can be a relation of

Lady Dudley's?"

"Lady Dudley may have some male relation staying with her," said the

Baron de Fontaine; "but a young girl!--No!"

Next day Mademoiselle de Fontaine expressed a wish to take a ride.

Then she gradually accustomed her old uncle and her brothers to

escorting her in very early rides, excellent, she declared for her

health. She had a particular fancy for the environs of the hamlet

where Lady Dudley was living. Notwithstanding her cavalry manoeuvres,

she did not meet the stranger so soon as the eager search she pursued

might have allowed her to hope. She went several times to the "Bal de

Sceaux" without seeing the young Englishman who had dropped from the

skies to pervade and beautify her dreams. Though nothing spurs on a

young girl's infantpassion so effectually as an obstacle, there was a

time when Mademoiselle de Fontaine was on the point of giving up her

strange and secret search, almost despairing of the success of an

enterprise whose singularity may give some idea of the boldness of her

temper. In point of fact, she might have wandered long about the

village of Chatenay without meeting her Unknown. The fair Clara--since

that was the name Emilie had overheard--was not English, and the

stranger who escorted her did not dwell among the flowery and fragrant

bowers of Chatenay.

One evening Emilie, out riding with her uncle, who, during the fine

weather, had gained a fairly long truce from the gout, met Lady

Dudley. The distinguishedforeigner had with her in her open carriage

Monsieur Vandenesse. Emilie recognized the handsome couple, and her

suppositions were at once dissipated like a dream. Annoyed, as any

woman must be whose expectations are frustrated, she touched up her

horse so suddenly that her uncle had the greatest difficulty in

following her, she had set off at such a pace.

"I am too old, it would seem, to understand these youthful spirits,"

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