

hitching-block, where Clarke had reined in his fiery steed.

"Ah, Alfred. Been out for a ride?"

"Yes, I have been giving Roger a little exercise."

"That's a magnificent animal. I never get tired watching him move. He's the

best bit of horseflesh on the river. By the way, we have not seen much of you

since the siege. Of course you have been busy. Getting ready to put on the

harness, eh? Well, that's what we want the young men to do. Come over and see


"I have been trying to come. You know how it is with me--about Betty, I mean.

Col. Zane, I--I love her. That's all."

"Yes, I know, Alfred, and I don't wonder at your fears. But I have always

liked you, and now I guess it's about time for me to put a spoke in your wheel

of fortune. If Betty cares for you--and I have a sneaking idea she does--I

will give her to you."

"I have nothing. I gave up everything when I left home."

"My lad, never mind about that," said the Colonel, laying his hand on Clarke's

knee. "We don't need riches. I have so often said that we need nothing out

here on the border but honest hearts and strong, willing hands. These you

have. That is enough for me and for my people, and as for land, why, I have

enough for an army of young men. I got my land cheap. That whole island there

I bought from Cornplanter. You can have that island or any tract of land along

the river. Some day I shall put you at the head of my men. It will take you

years to cut that road through to Maysville. Oh, I have plenty of work for


"Col. Zane, I cannot thank you," answered Alfred, with emotion. "I shall try

to merit your friendship and esteem. Will you please tell your sister I shall

come over in the morning and beg to see her alone."

"That I will, Alfred. Goodnight."

Col. Zane strode across his threshold with a happy smile on his face. He loved

to joke and tease, and never lost an opportunity.

"Things seem to be working out all right. Now for some fun with Her Highness,"

he said to himself.

As the Colonel surveyed the pleasant home scene he felt he had nothing more to

wish for. The youngsters were playing with a shaggy little pup which had

already taken Tige's place in their fickle affections. His wife was crooning a

lullaby as she gently rocked the cradle to and fro. A wonderful mite of

humanity peacefully slumbered in that old cradle. Annie was beginning to set

the table for the evening meal. Isaac lay with a contented smile on his face,

fast asleep on the couch, where, only a short time before, he had been laid

bleeding and almost dead. Betty was reading to Myeerah, whose eyes were

rapturously bright as she leaned her head against her sister and listened to

the low voice.

"Well, Betty, what do you think?" said Col. Zane, stopping before the girls.

"What do I think?" retorted Betty. "Why, I think you are very rude to

interrupt me. I am reading to Myeerah her first novel."

"I have a very important message for you."

"For me? What! From whom?"


Betty ran through a list of most of her acquaintances, but after each name her

brother shook his head.

"Oh, well, I don't care," she finally said. The color in her cheeks had

heightened noticeably.

"Very well. If you do not care, I will say nothing more," said Col. Zane.

At this juncture Annie called them to supper. Later, when Col. Zane sat on the

doorstep smoking, Betty came and sat beside him with her head resting against

his shoulder. The Colonel smoked on in silence. Presently the dusky head moved


"Eb, tell me the message," whispered Betty.

"Message? What message?" asked Col. Zone. "What are you talking about?"

"Do not tease--not now. Tell me." There was an undercurrent of wistfulness in

Betty's voice which touched the kindhearted brother.

"Well, to-day a certain young man asked me if he could relieve me of the

responsibility of looking after a certain young lady."


"Wait a moment. I told him I would be delighted."

"Eb, that was unkind."

"Then he asked me to tell her he was coming over to-morrow morning to fix it

up with her."

"Oh, horrible!" cried Betty. "Were those the words he used?"

"Betts, to tell the honest truth, he did not say much of anything. He just

said: 'I love her,' and his eyes blazed."

Betty uttered a half articulate cry and ran to her room. Her heart was

throbbing. What could she do? She felt that if she looked once into her

lover's eyes she would have no strength. How dared she allow herself to be so

weak! Yet she knew this was the end. She could deceive him no longer: For she

felt a stir in her heart, stronger than all, beyond all resistance, an

