

Little was known of Miller's history. He hailed from Ft. Pitt, where he had a

reputation as a good soldier, but a man of morose and quarrelsome disposition.

It was whispered that he drank, and that he had been friendly with the

renegades McKee, Elliott, and Girty. He had passed the fall and winter at Ft.

Henry, serving on garrison duty. Since he had made the acquaintance of Betty

he had shown her all the attention possible.

On this night a close observer would have seen that Miller was laboring under

some strong feeling. A half-subdued fire gleamed from his dark eyes. A

peculiar nervous twitching of his nostrils betrayed a poorly suppressed


All evening he followed Betty like a shadow. Her kindness may have encouraged

him. She danced often with him end showed a certain preference for his

society. Alice and Lydia were puzzled by Betty's manner. As they were intimate

friends they believed they knew something of her likes and dislikes. Had not

Betty told them she did not care for Mr. Miller? What was the meaning of the

arch glances she bestowed upon him, if she did not care for him? To be sure,

it was nothing wonderful for Betty to smile,--she was always prodigal of her

smiles--but she had never been known to encourage any man. The truth was that

Betty had put her new resolution into effect; to be as merry and charming as

any fancy-free maiden could possibly be, and the farthest removed from a young

lady pining for an absent and indifferentsweetheart. To her sorrow Betty

played her part too well.

Except to Wetzel, whose keen eyes little escaped, there was no significance in

Miller's hilarity one moment and sudden thoughtfulness the next. And if there

had been, it would have excited no comment. Most of the young men had sampled

some of old Dan's best rye and their flushed faces and unusual spirits did not

result altogether from the exercise of the dance.

After one of the reels Miller led Betty, with whom be had been dancing, into

one of the side rooms. Round the dimly lighted room were benches upon which

were seated some of the dancers. Betty was uneasy in mind and now wished that

she had remained at home. They had exchanged several commonplace remarks when

the music struck up and Betty rose quickly to her feet.

"See, the others have gone. Let us return," she said.

"Wait," said Miller hurriedly. "Do not go just yet. I wish to speak to you. I

have asked you many times if you will marry me. Now I ask you again."

"Mr. Miller, I thanked you and begged you not to cause us both pain by again

referring to that subject," answered Betty with dignity. "If you will persist

in bringing it up we cannot be friends any longer."

"Wait, please wait. I have told you that I will not take 'No' for an answer. I

love you with all my heart and soul and I cannot give you up."

His voice was low and hoarse and thrilled with a strong man's passion. Betty

looked up into his face and tears of compassion filled her eyes. Her heart

softened to this man, and her conscience gave her a little twinge of remorse.

Could she not have averted all this? No doubt she had been much to blame, and

this thought made her voice very low and sweet as she answered him.

"I like you as a friend, Mr. Miller, but we can never be more than friends. I

am very sorry for you, and angry with myself that I did not try to help you

instead of making it worse. Please do not speak of this again. Come, let us

join the others."

They were quite alone in the room. As Betty finished speaking and started for

the door Miller intercepted her. She recoiled in alarm from his white face.

"No, you don't go yet. I won't give you up so easily. No woman can play fast

and loose with me! Do you understand? What have you meant all this winter? You

encouraged me. You know you did," he cried passionately.

"I thought you were a gentleman. I have really taken the trouble to defend you

against persons who evidently were not misled as to your real nature. I will

not listen to you," said Betty coldly. She turned away from him, all her

softened feeling changed to scorn.

"You shall listen to me," he whispered as he grasped her wrist and pulled her

backward. All the man's brutalpassion had been aroused. The fierce border

blood boiled within his heart. Unmasked he showed himself in his true colors a

frontier desperado. His eyes gleamed dark and lurid beneath his bent brows and

a short, desperate laugh passed his lips.

"I will make you love me, my proud beauty. I shall have you yet, one way or


