
for, and seek, vainly here below, as the one blessing. "Ye shall sit on

seats, facing one another: all grudges shall be taken away out of your

hearts." All grudges! Ye shall love one another freely; for each of you,

in the eyes of his brothers, there will be Heaven enough!

In reference to this of the sensual Paradise and Mahomet's sensuality, the

sorest chapter of all for us, there were many things to be said; which it

is not convenient to enter upon here. Two remarks only I shall make, and

therewith leave it to your candor. The first is furnished me by Goethe; it

is a casual hint of his which seems well worth taking note of. In one of

his Delineations, in _Meister's Travels_ it is, the hero comes upon a

Society of men with very strange ways, one of which was this: "We

require," says the Master, "that each of our people shall strict" target="_blank" title="vt.限制;限定;约束">restrict himself

in one direction," shall go right against his desire in one matter, and

_make_ himself do the thing he does not wish, "should we allow him the

greater latitude on all other sides." There seems to me a great justness

in this. Enjoying things which are pleasant; that is not the evil: it is

the reducing of our moral self to slavery by them that is. Let a man

assert withal that he is king over his habitudes; that he could and would

shake them off, on cause shown: this is an excellent law. The Month

Ramadhan for the Moslem, much in Mahomet's Religion, much in his own Life,

bears in that direction; if not by forethought, or clear purpose of moral

improvement on his part, then by a certain healthy manful instinct, which

is as good.

But there is another thing to be said about the Mahometan Heaven and Hell.

This namely, that, however gross and material they may be, they are an

emblem of an everlasting truth, not always so well remembered elsewhere.

That gross sensual Paradise of his; that horribleflaming Hell; the great

enormous Day of Judgment he perpetually insists on: what is all this but a

rude shadow, in the rude Bedouin imagination, of that grand spiritual Fact,

and Beginning of Facts, which it is ill for us too if we do not all know

and feel: the Infinite Nature of Duty? That man's actions here are of

_infinite_ moment to him, and never die or end at all; that man, with his

little life, reaches upwards high as Heaven, downwards low as Hell, and in

his threescore years of Time holds an Eternity fearfully and wonderfully

hidden: all this had burnt itself, as in flame-characters, into the wild

Arab soul. As in flame and lightning, it stands written there; awful,

unspeakable, ever present to him. With bursting earnestness, with a fierce

savage sincerity, half-articulating, not able to articulate, he strives to

speak it, bodies it forth in that Heaven and that Hell. Bodied forth in

what way you will, it is the first of all truths. It is venerable under

all embodiments. What is the chief end of man here below? Mahomet has

answered this question, in a way that might put some of us to shame! He

does not, like a Bentham, a Paley, take Right and Wrong, and calculate the

profit and loss, ultimate pleasure of the one and of the other; and summing

all up by addition and subtraction into a net result, ask you, Whether on

the whole the Right does not preponderate considerably? No; it is not

_better_ to do the one than the other; the one is to the other as life is

to death,--as Heaven is to Hell. The one must in nowise be done, the other

in nowise left undone. You shall not measure them; they are

incommensurable: the one is death eternal to a man, the other is life

eternal. Benthamee Utility, virtue by Profit and Loss; reducing this

God's-world to a dead brute Steam-engine, the infinitecelestial Soul of

Man to a kind of Hay-balance for weighing hay and thistles on, pleasures

and pains on:--If you ask me which gives, Mahomet or they, the beggarlier

and falser view of Man and his Destinies in this Universe, I will answer,

it is not Mahomet!--

On the whole, we will repeat that this Religion of Mahomet's is a kind of

Christianity; has a genuine element of what is spiritually highest looking

through it, not to be hidden by all its imperfections. The Scandinavian

