these reminiscences from turning into confessions, a form of
literary activity discredited by Jean Jacques Rousseau on account
of the
extreme thoroughness he brought to the work of justifying
his own
existence; for that such was his purpose is palpably,
even grossly,
visible to an unprejudiced eye. But then, you see,
the man was not a
writer of
fiction. He was an artless moralist,
as is clearly demonstrated by his anniversaries being celebrated
with marked
emphasis by the heirs of the French Revolution, which
was not a political
movement at all, but a great
outburst of
morality. He had no
imagination, as the most
casual perusal of
"Emile" will prove. He was no
novelist, whose first
virtue is
the exact understanding of the limits traced by the
reality of
his time to the play of his
invention. Inspiration comes from
the earth, which has a past, a history, a future, not from the
cold and immutable heaven. A
writer of
imaginative prose (even
more than any other sort of artist) stands confessed in his
works. His
conscience, his deeper sense of things,
lawful and
lawful, gives him his attitude before the world. Indeed, every
one who puts pen to paper for the
reading of strangers (unless a
moralist, who, generally
speaking, has no
conscience except the
one he is at pains to produce for the use of others) can speak of
nothing else. It is M. Anatole France, the most
eloquent and
just of French prose
writers, who says that we must recognise at
last that, "failing the
resolution to hold our peace, we can only
talk of ourselves."
This remark, if I remember
rightly, was made in the course of a
sparring match with the late Ferdinand Brunetiere over the
principles and rules of
literarycriticism" target="_blank" title="n.批评;评论(文)">
criticism. As was
fitting for a
man to whom we owe the
memorablesaying, "The good
critic is he
who relates the adventures of his soul
amongst masterpieces," M.
Anatole France maintained that there were no rules and no
principles. And that may be very true. Rules, principles and
standards die and
vanish every day. Perhaps they are all dead
vanished by this time. These, if ever, are the brave, free
days of destroyed landmarks, while the
ingenious minds are busy
inventing the forms of the new beacons which, it is consoling to
think, will be set up
presently in the old places. But what is
interesting to a
writer is the possession of an
inward certitude
literarycriticism" target="_blank" title="n.批评;评论(文)">
criticism will never die, for man (so variously
defined) is, before everything else, a
critical animal. And, as
long as
distinguished minds are ready to treat it in the spirit
of high adventure,
literarycriticism" target="_blank" title="n.批评;评论(文)">
criticism shall
appeal to us with all
the charm and
wisdom of a well-told tale of personal experience.
For Englishmen especially, of all the races of the earth, a task,
any task, undertaken in an
adventurous spirit acquires the merit
romance. But the
critics as a rule
exhibit but little of an
adventurous spirit. They take risks, of course--one can hardly
live without that. The daily bread is served out to us (however
sparingly) with a pinch of salt. Otherwise one would get sick of
the diet one prays for, and that would be not only
improper, but
impious. From impiety of that or any other kind--save us! An
ideal of reserved manner, adhered to from a sense of proprieties,
from shyness, perhaps, or
caution, or simply from weariness,
induces, I
suspect, some
writers of
criticism" target="_blank" title="n.批评;评论(文)">
criticism to
conceal the
adventurous side of their
calling, and then the
criticism" target="_blank" title="n.批评;评论(文)">
criticism becomes
- career [kə´riə] n.经历;生涯;职业 (初中英语单词)
- literary [´litərəri] a.文学(上)的 (初中英语单词)
- ambition [æm´biʃən] n.雄心,野心;企图 (初中英语单词)
- existence [ig´zistəns] n.存在;生存;生活 (初中英语单词)
- mental [´mentl] a.精神的;心理的 (初中英语单词)
- ashore [ə´ʃɔ:] ad.向岸上 (初中英语单词)
- stress [stres] n.强调;压力 vt.强调 (初中英语单词)
- careless [´keəlis] a.粗心的;草率的 (初中英语单词)
- domestic [də´mestik] a.家庭的;本国的 (初中英语单词)
- suspicion [sə´spiʃən] n.怀(猜)疑;嫌疑 (初中英语单词)
- absurd [əb´sə:d] a.荒谬的,可笑的 (初中英语单词)
- management [´mænidʒmənt] n.管理;处理;经营 (初中英语单词)
- writer [´raitə] n.作者;作家 (初中英语单词)
- survey [´sə:vei] vt.&n.俯瞰;审视;测量 (初中英语单词)
- pursuit [pə´sju:t] n.追踪;追击;事务 (初中英语单词)
- ambitious [æm´biʃəs] a.有雄心的;热望的 (初中英语单词)
- suspect [´sʌspekt, sə´spekt] v.怀疑;觉得 n.嫌疑犯 (初中英语单词)
- creation [kri´eiʃən] n.创作;作品;创造 (初中英语单词)
- spectacle [´spektəkəl] n.展览;表演;景象 (初中英语单词)
- delicious [di´liʃəs] a.美味的,可口的 (初中英语单词)
- laughter [´lɑ:ftə] n.笑,笑声 (初中英语单词)
- curiosity [,kjuəri´ɔsiti] n.好奇;奇事;珍品 (初中英语单词)
- conscience [´kɔnʃəns] n.良心;道德心 (初中英语单词)
- visible [´vizəbəl] a.可见的;明显的 (初中英语单词)
- terror [´terə] n.恐怖;惊骇 (初中英语单词)
- passion [´pæʃən] n.激情;激怒;恋爱 (初中英语单词)
- supreme [su:´pri:m, sju:-] a.最高的,无上的 (初中英语单词)
- mystery [´mistəri] n.神秘;秘密;故弄玄虚 (初中英语单词)
- despair [di´speə] vi.&n.绝望 (初中英语单词)
- carpenter [´kɑ:pintə] n.木工 vi.做木工活 (初中英语单词)
- properly [´prɔpəli] ad.适当地;严格地 (初中英语单词)
- worthy [´wə:ði] a.有价值的;值得的 (初中英语单词)
- cabinet [´kæbinit] n.橱,柜;内阁 (初中英语单词)
- amazing [ə´meiziŋ] a.惊人的;惊奇的 (初中英语单词)
- perceive [pə´si:v] vt.察觉;看出;领悟 (初中英语单词)
- comment [´kɔment] n.&v.评论;评注;注意 (初中英语单词)
- anxious [´æŋkʃəs] a.担忧的;渴望的 (初中英语单词)
- purely [´pjuəli] ad.仅仅;简单地 (初中英语单词)
- missing [´misiŋ] a.缺掉的;失踪的 (初中英语单词)
- childhood [´tʃaildhud] n.幼年(时代);早期 (初中英语单词)
- scheme [ski:m] n.计划;阴谋,诡计 (初中英语单词)
- delicate [´delikət] a.精美的;微妙的 (初中英语单词)
- extreme [ik´stri:m] a.尽头的 n.极端 (初中英语单词)
- movement [´mu:vmənt] n.活动;运动;动作 (初中英语单词)
- imagination [i,mædʒi´neiʃən] n.想象(力) (初中英语单词)
- novelist [´nɔvəlist] n.小说家 (初中英语单词)
- virtue [´və:tʃu:] n.美德;贞操;长处 (初中英语单词)
- reality [ri´æliti] n.现实(性);真实;逼真 (初中英语单词)
- invention [in´venʃən] n.创造;发明;虚构 (初中英语单词)
- reading [´ri:diŋ] n.(阅)读;朗读;读物 (初中英语单词)
- resolution [,rezə´lu:ʃən] n.决心;坚决;果断 (初中英语单词)
- criticism [´kritisizəm] n.批评;评论(文) (初中英语单词)
- critic [´kritik] n.批评家;吹毛求疵者 (初中英语单词)
- vanish [´væniʃ] vi.消失;消散;消灭 (初中英语单词)
- presently [´prezəntli] ad.不久;目前 (初中英语单词)
- wisdom [´wizdəm] n.智慧,聪明,才智 (初中英语单词)
- romance [rəu´mæns] n.中世纪骑士小说 (初中英语单词)
- exhibit [ig´zibit] vt.展出 n.展览品 (初中英语单词)
- otherwise [´ʌðəwaiz] ad.另外 conj.否则 (初中英语单词)
- conceal [kən´si:l] vt.藏;隐瞒 (初中英语单词)
- rugged [´rʌgid] a.不平的;粗犷的 (高中英语单词)
- infinite [´infinit] a.无限的,无穷的 (高中英语单词)
- madness [´mædnis] n.疯狂;狂热 (高中英语单词)
- unseen [,ʌn´si:n] a.未看见的 (高中英语单词)
- uneasy [ʌn´i:zi] a.不安的;不自在的 (高中英语单词)
- equality [i´kwɔliti] n.同等,平等 (高中英语单词)
- universe [´ju:nivə:s] n.天地;全人类;银河系 (高中英语单词)
- charity [´tʃæriti] n.施舍;慈悲;博爱 (高中英语单词)
- tenderness [´tendənis] n.娇嫩;柔软;温柔 (高中英语单词)
- indignation [,indig´neiʃən] n.愤慨;气愤 (高中英语单词)
- consciousness [´kɔnʃəsnis] n.意识;觉悟;知觉 (高中英语单词)
- testimony [´testiməni] n.证明;证据;表明 (高中英语单词)
- casual [´kæʒuəl] a.偶然的;临时的 (高中英语单词)
- quotation [kwəu´teiʃən] n.引用;引文;语录 (高中英语单词)
- conception [kən´sepʃən] n.构思;概念;怀孕 (高中英语单词)
- inspiration [,inspi´reiʃən] n.鼓舞;灵感;启发 (高中英语单词)
- amongst [ə´mʌŋst] prep.其中之一 =among (高中英语单词)
- fiction [´fikʃən] n.小说;虚构;谎言 (高中英语单词)
- needless [´ni:dləs] a.不必要的;无用的 (高中英语单词)
- disagreeable [,disə´gri:əbl] a.令人不悦的 (高中英语单词)
- saying [´seiŋ, ´sei-iŋ] n.言语;言论;格言 (高中英语单词)
- surrounding [sə´raundiŋ] n.周围的事物 (高中英语单词)
- emphasis [´emfəsis] n.强调;重点 (高中英语单词)
- memorable [´memərəbəl] a.难忘的;重大的 (高中英语单词)
- ingenious [in´dʒi:niəs] a.富于创新的;巧妙的 (高中英语单词)
- inward [´inwəd] a.向内的;心灵上的 (高中英语单词)
- critical [´kritikəl] a.批评的;关键性的 (高中英语单词)
- distinguished [di´stiŋgwiʃt] a.卓越的,著名的 (高中英语单词)
- appeal [ə´pi:l] vi.&n.请求;呼吁;上诉 (高中英语单词)
- caution [´kɔ:ʃən] n.&vt.小心;告诫;警告 (高中英语单词)
- psychological [,saikə´lɔdʒikəl] a.心理学(上)的 (英语四级单词)
- reputation [repju´teiʃən] n.名誉;名声;信誉 (英语四级单词)
- infinitely [´infinitli] ad.无限地;无穷地 (英语四级单词)
- varied [´veərid] a.各种各样的 (英语四级单词)
- unlucky [ʌn´lʌki] a.倒霉的,不幸的 (英语四级单词)
- totally [´təutəli] ad.统统,完全 (英语四级单词)
- fondly [´fɔndli] ad.喜爱地;愚蠢地 (英语四级单词)
- gifted [´giftid] a.有天赋的,有才华的 (英语四级单词)
- charitable [´tʃæritəbəl] a.仁爱的;慈善的 (英语四级单词)
- firmament [´fə:məmənt] n.苍穹,天空 (英语四级单词)
- spectacular [spek´tækjulə] a.壮观的;惊人的 (英语四级单词)
- rational [´ræʃənəl] a.(有)理性的;合理的 (英语四级单词)
- devoted [di´vəutid] a.献身…的,忠实的 (英语四级单词)
- definition [,defi´niʃən] n.限定;定义;明确 (英语四级单词)
- apprehend [,æpri´hend] vt.理解;忧虑;逮捕 (英语四级单词)
- texture [´tekstʃə] n.(织物等的)质地 (英语四级单词)
- lawful [´lɔ:fəl] a.合法的,守法的 (英语四级单词)
- eloquent [´eləkwənt] a.流利的;雄辩的 (英语四级单词)
- rightly [´raitli] ad.正义地;正确地 (英语四级单词)
- adventurous [əd´ventʃərəs] a.冒险的;惊险的 (英语四级单词)
- inexplicable [,inik´splikəbəl] a.难以理解的 (英语六级单词)
- consummate [kɔn´sʌmit] a.完美的 vt.完成;圆房 (英语六级单词)
- taking [´teikiŋ] a.迷人的 n.捕获物 (英语六级单词)
- decency [´di:sənsi] n.正派;体面 (英语六级单词)
- reluctance [ri´lʌktəns] n.不愿;勉强 (英语六级单词)
- provocation [,prɔvə´keiʃən] n.挑衅;挑拨;激怒 (英语六级单词)
- lordly [´lɔ:dli] a.高贵的;高傲的 (英语六级单词)
- contemptuous [kən´temptjuəs] a.蔑视的;傲慢的 (英语六级单词)
- unlikely [ʌn´laikli] a.不像的;未必可能的 (英语六级单词)
- unprofitable [ʌn´prɔfitəbl] a.没有利润的;无益的 (英语六级单词)
- speaking [´spi:kiŋ] n.说话 a.发言的 (英语六级单词)
- impersonal [im´pə:sənəl] a.不受个人感情影响的 (英语六级单词)
- adoration [,ædə´reiʃən] n.崇拜,敬爱 (英语六级单词)
- doorstep [´dɔ:step] n.门阶 (英语六级单词)
- malicious [mə´liʃəs] a.恶意的;预谋的 (英语六级单词)
- persuasive [pə´sweisiv] a.有说服力的 n.动机 (英语六级单词)
- outburst [´autbə:st] n.喷发;爆发;激增 (英语六级单词)
- imaginative [i´mædʒənətiv] a.富于想象(力)的 (英语六级单词)
- fitting [´fitiŋ] a.适当的 n.试衣 (英语六级单词)
- improper [im´prɔpə] a.不恰当的;不正确的 (英语六级单词)
- calling [´kɔ:liŋ] n.点名;职业;欲望 (英语六级单词)