
Like soul that quits the tumbled body, soared:

And France, impulsive, nuptial with his plan,

Albeit the Critic fretting her, adored

Once more. Exultingly her heart went forth,

Submissive to his mind and mood,

The way of those pent-eyebrows North;

For now was he to win the wreath

Surpassing sunniest in camp or Court;

Next, as the blessedharvest after years of blight,

Sit, the Great Emperor, to be known the Good!

Now had the Seaman's volvent sprite,

Lean from the chase that barked his contraband,

A beggared applicant at every port,

To strew the profitless deeps and rot beneath,

Slung northward, for a hunted beast's retort

On sovereign power; there his final stand,

Among the perjured Scythian's shaggy horde,

The hydrocephalic aerolite

Had taken; flashing thence repellent teeth,

Though Europe's Master Europe's Rebel banned

To be earth's outcast, ocean's lord and sport.

Unmoved might seem the Master's taunted sword.

Northward his dusky legions nightly slipped,

As on the map of that all-provident head;

He luting Peace the while, like morning's cock

The quiet day to round the hours for bed;

No pastoralshepherd sweeter to his flock.

Then Europe first beheld her Titan stripped.

To what vast length of limb and mounds of thews,

How trained to scale the eminences, pluck

The hazards for new footing, how compel

Those timely incidents by men named luck,

Through forethought that defied the Fates to choose,

Her grovelling admiration had not yet

Imagined of the great man-miracle;

And France recounted with her comic smile

Duplicities of Court and Cabinet,

The silky female of his male in guile,

Wherewith her two-faced Master could amuse

A dupe he charmed in sunny beams to bask,

Before his feint for camisado struck

The lightning moment of the cast-off mask.

Splendours of earth repeating heaven's at set

Of sun down mountain cloud in masses arched;

Since Asia upon Europe marched,

Unmatched the copious multitudes; unknown

To Gallia's over-runner, Rome's inveterate foe,

Such hosts; all one machine for overthrow,

Coruscant from the Master's hand, compact

As reasoned thoughts in the Master's head; were shown

Yon lightning moment when his acme might

Blazed o'er the stream that cuts the sandy tract

Borussian from Sarmatia's famished flat;

The century's flower; and off its pinnacled throne,

Rayed servitude on Europe's ball of sight.


Behind the Northern curtain-folds he passed.

There heard hushed France her muffled heart beat fast

Against the hollow ear-drum, where she sat

In expectation's darkness, until cracked

The straining curtain-seams: a scaly light

Was ghost above an army under shroud.

Imperious on Imperial Fact

Incestuously the incredible begat.

His veterans and auxiliaries,

The trained, the trustful, sanguine, proud,

Princely, scarce numerable to recite, -

Titanic of all Titan tragedies! -

That Northern curtain took them, as the seas

Gulp the great ships to give back shipmen white.

Alive in marble, she conceived in soul,

With barren eyes and mouth, the mother's loss;

