

eyes were opened, she saw clearly enough that he was both annoyed

and puzzled at finding His Majesty rather better. He pretended

however to congratulate him, saying he believed he was quite fit to

see the lord chamberlain: he wanted his signature to something

important; only he must not strain his mind to understand it,

whatever it might be: if His Majesty did, he would not be

answerable for the consequences. The king said he would see the

lord chamberlain, and the doctor went.

Then Irene gave him more bread and wine, and the king ate and

drank, and smiled a feeble smile, the first real one she had seen

for many a day. He said he felt much better, and would soon be

able to take matters into his own hands again. He had a strange

miserable feeling, he said, that things were going terribly wrong,

although he could not tell how. Then the princess told him that

Curdie had come, and that at night, when all was quiet for nobody

in the palace must know, he would pay His Majesty a visit. Her

great-great-grandmother had sent him, she said. The king looked

strangely upon her, but the strange look passed into a smile

clearer than the first, and irene's heart throbbed with delight.


The Lord Chamberlain

At noon the lord chamberlain appeared. With a long, low bow, and

paper in hand, he stepped softly into the room. Greeting His

Majesty with every appearance of the profoundest respect, and

congratulating him on the evident progress he had made, he declared

himself sorry to trouble him, but there were certain papers, he

said, which required his signature - and therewith drew nearer to

the king, who lay looking at him doubtfully. He was a lean, long,

yellow man, with a small head, bald over the top, and tufted at the

back and about the ears. He had a very thin, prominent, hooked

nose, and a quantity of loose skin under his chin and about the

throat, which came craning up out of his neckcloth. His eyes were

very small, sharp, and glittering, and looked black as jet. He had

hardly enough of a mouth to make a smile with. His left hand held

the paper, and the long, skinny fingers of his right a pen just

dipped in ink.

But the king, who for weeks had scarcely known what he did, was

today so much himself as to be aware that he was not quite himself;

and the moment he saw the paper, he resolved that he would not sign

without understanding and approving of it. He requested the lord

chamberlaintherefore to read it. His Lordship commenced at once

but the difficulties he seemed to encounter, and the fits of

stammering that seized him, roused the king's suspicion tenfold.

He called the princess.

'I trouble His Lordship too much,' he said to her: 'you can read

print well, my child - let me hear how you can read writing. Take

that paper from His Lordship's hand, and read it to me from

beginning to end, while my lord drinks a glass of my favourite

wine, and watches for your blunders.'

'Pardon me, Your Majesty,' said the lord chamberlain, with as much

of a smile as he was able to extemporize, 'but it were a thousand

pities to put the attainments of Her Royal Highness to a test

altogether too severe. Your Majesty can scarcely with justice

expect the very organs of her speech to prove capable of compassing

words so long, and to her so unintelligible.'

'I think much of my little princess and her capabilities,' returned

the king, more and more aroused. 'Pray, my lord, permit her to


'Consider, Your Majesty: the thing would be altogether without

precedent. it would be to make sport of statecraft,' said the lord


'Perhaps you are right, my lord,' answered the king, with more

meaning than he intended should be manifest, while to his growing

joy he felt new life and power throbbing in heart and brain. 'So

this morning we shall read no further. I am indeed ill able for

business of such weight.'

'Will Your Majesty please sign your royal name here?' said the lord

chamberlain, preferring the request as a matter of course, and

approaching with the feather end of the pen pointed to a spot where

there was a great red seal.

'Not today, my lord,' replied the king.

'It is of the greatest importance, Your Majesty,' softly insisted

the other.

'I descried no such importance in it,' said the king.

'Your Majesty heard but a part.'

'And I can hear no more today.'

'I trust Your Majesty has ground enough, in a case of necessity

like the present, to sign upon the representation of his loyal

