

card appearing being called the fasse; he then paid half the

value of the stakes laid down by the punters upon any card of


After the fasse was turned up, and the talliere and croupiere had

looked round the cards on the table, and taken advantage of the

money laid on them, the former proceeded with his deal; and the

next card appearing, whether the king, queen, ace, or whatever it

might be, won for the player, the latter might receive it, or

making paroli, as before said, go on to sept-et-le-va. The card

after that won for the talliere, who took money from each

player's card of that sort, and brought it into his

bank--obviously a prodigiousadvantage in the talliere over the


The talliere, if the winning card was a king, and the next after

it was a ten, said (showing the cards all round), 'King wins, ten

loses,' paying the money to such cards as are of the winning

sort, and taking the money from those who lost, added it to his

bank. This done, he went on with the deal, it might be after

this fashion--'Ace wins, five loses; ' 'Knave wins, seven loses;'

and so on, every other card alternatelywinning and losing, till

all the pack was dealt but the last card.

The LAST card turned up was, by the rules of the game, for the

advantage of the talliere; although a player might have one of

the same sort, still it was allowed to him as one of the dues of

his office, and he paid nothing on it.

The bold player who was lucky and adventurous, and could push on

his couch with a considerable stake to sept-et-le-va, quinze-

et-le-va, trente-et-le-va, &c., must in a wonderful manner have

multiplied his couch, or first stake; but this was seldom done;

and the loss of the players, by the very nature of the game,

invariably exceeded that of the bank; in fact, this game was

altogether in favour of the bank; and yet it is evident that--in

spite of this obvious conviction--the game must have been one of

the most tempting and fascinating that was ever invented.

Our English adventurers made this game very different to what it

was in France, for there, by royal edict, the public at large

were not allowed to play at more than a franc or ten-penny

bank,--and the losses or gains could not bring desolation to a

family; but in England our punters could do as they liked--

staking from one guinea to one hundred guineas and more, upon a

card, 'as was often seen at court,' says the old author, my

informant. When the couch was alpieued, parolied, to sept-

et-le-va, quinze-et-le-va, trente-et-le-va, &c., the punter's

gains were prodigious, miraculous; and if fortune befriended him

so as to bring his stake to soissante-et-le-va, he was very

likely to break the bank, by gaining a sum which no talliere

could pay after such tremendousmultiplication. But this rarely

happened. The general advantage was with the bank--as must be

quite evident from the explanation of the game--besides the

standing rule that no two cards of the same sort turning up could

win for the players; the second always won for the bank. In

addition to this there were other 'privileges' which operated

vastly in favour of the banker.

However, it was 'of so bewitching a nature,' says our old writer,

'by reason of the several multiplications and advantages which it

seemingly offered to the unwary punter, that a great many like it

so well that they would play at small game rather than give out;

and rather than not play at all would punt at six-penny,

three-penny, nay, a twopenny bank,--so much did the hope of

winning the quinze-et-le-va and the trente-et-le-va intoxicate


Of course there were frauds practised at Basset by the talliere,

or banker, in addition to his prescriptive advantages. The cards

might be dealt so as not to allow the punter any winning

throughout the pack; and it was in the power of the dealer to let

the punter have as many winnings as he thought convenient, and no


It is said that Basset was invented by a noble Venetian, who was

punished with exile for the contrivance. The game was prohibited

by Louis XIV., in 1691, and soon after fell into oblivion in

France, although flourishing in England. It was also called

Barbacole and Hocca.


Although both Basset and Faro were forbidden in France, on severe

penalties, yet these games still continued in great vogue in

England during the 18th century, especially Faro; for the alleged

reasons that it was easy to learn, that it appeared to be very

